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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Yeah, I didn't expect to leave for a few days and see this rushed through so haphazardly. I hope you guys had a good time, at least.

Targets and orders were given and undone and changed multiple times, and the battle just flew by. I'm sorry I'm not on Skype 24/7 to blast through this. Or to set up all these JPs...you do know this plot is marked as SP only, right?

I have no clue what you want Anzu to have been doing during all this, since her orders contradict the situation, which also contradicts what Goto went off and did in the same room as her and Misha.

This is not what I was looking forward to seeing when I got back to my computer. Let me know what you need me to post, I guess. Or I can just hold back and let you guys finish this off in yet another JP set up outside the forum.
Things are left open for Infantry to launch in their Mindy's and engage the remaining two gunships and take them out. Also the large cruiser, while crippled, is still manned and may begin to move again, so something else for you guys to go after. The two gunships, one is damaged, the other is pretty much fully operational. Sakishima is effectively out of action at the moment with all her offensive weapons offline.
I'm also confused as to why we fired on people that were trying to surrender. That doesn't really sound right. Anzu didn't hear or see any of that, of course, and it's above her pay grade anyway. She'd probably agree with the decision. Seems really odd to me, though.

I guess I should keep my mouth shut, though, since posts are being edited and deleted left and right.
Orders from the destroyer squadron commander a while back were no quarter given. They would be executed for their crimes anyways and we do not have the manpower or space to take them prisoner on the Sakishima.

edit: deleting of posts? I've not seen any posts deleted out of the RP thread and I only edited one to make some corrections earlier last week. Thats all I know of...

edit edit: yes I did edit this just now to make commentary about edit... O.o
A post between who earlier? Only been 6 posts today and none were deleted.

And I am just replying to what you had been saying in your previous post here on the OOC.
Read my last post. The guns went offline after she gave the order....

There was a post by ShotJon right before this, asking why they were ordering the ship fired upon if they had no weapons, or something.
Ok I see whats happened. Shotty deleted his post in the OOC that I had been between posts. I was answering a question of his. I had thought you were talking about posts disappearing in the IC