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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Like I was telling Gunny, i can't wait for each of the crew's reactions, and I can't wait to see her counter reaction.
A Terrible Thing happened.

I won't be able to do anything for the near future, but it seems you got it sorted out. Enjoy your romp in yamatie
Gamerofthegame, I hope everything is going to be okay. We will take good care of the Sakishima. Please don't be a stranger.
Yeep, time to get this show on the road!

I will be kicking off a new IC thread for the mission soon, most likely in the next 24 hours.
Hey Lam, Goto left a trouble maker in charge of a bridge of crazy. How do you feel about that? ^_^
And yoshi is going to be pissed of the paint is scratch or scoffed, if she doesn't get to do it.
Am I too late to join? I can now return to my regular schedule now that events and graduation is over for me.
I'd say another would probably round out our complement. Hopefully Gunsight feels the same!
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