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Dark Ononi


Minorock: naive, maybe; rude, no. It doesn't look to be intentional. It's not like you're the icon of maturity yourself.

Alice: This is an IC thread. You should post your contact information and a character biography. Please don't post an OOC reply in an IC thread unless it is relevant and/or you are involved in the RP in the thread.

Back on topic, no more OOC.

Zakalwe said:
I removed the earlier posts, but kept this one as a reminder at least that something happaned.
Ito tried to follow Cios example but after about 10 minutes of tossing , he decided that he just didn't feel safe it a tent whilst those things where running around. He sat up and walked past the other beds as quietly as he could until he was otside of the tent, he looked around a good looking tree near the tent. Founding one he he ran at it, jumped to the first branch and climbed to the near top. From here he lay down across two strong branches, completekly hidden from the world below and slept.
After a few minutes of swinging and climbing Kaeto eventually lost sight of the others as they were too fast for him. Seeing as they were heading in a straight solitary direction he estimated a rough general direction that they went in a proceeded in that direction. After a few more minutes of travelling he saw several columns of smoke ahead signifying he was getting close to the "camp" that he over heard the two Seelie talking about.
As he drew close, on a particularly unlucky swing he collided with two branches closely tied together. The momentum kept him going and he tumbled into the mist of the camp.
Due to extraordinary combination of events, Kaeto landed in the middle of a fire. When he got up he noticed his hair was on fire, after running around for several panicky minutes he found a small pond with which to put out the fire.
By that time most of the camp was awake and looking about for the source of the noise.
Cio woke up after a couple of hours sleep, he looked around but couldn't see Ito any where, yet he said he wanted to sleep too, he put on his armour and swords. He went outside and looked around, he was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't think he should shout in case he woke anyone up. Cio looked up into the trees and finally saw him, he began to jump up into the tree, landing on a weak branch, it snapped and Cio just managed to grab another branch and swing himself up towards Ito.

Ito was awaken by the noise of branch break below him, drowse and confused he rolled to his left (towards the end the branches), this caused the branches to snap under his weight and he was sent felling to the ground unable to right his.

Cio saw Ito fall from the tree; he grabbed hold of a branch, swinging round to the other side of the tree, just in time to catch Ito. There were no branches for him to grab that would support both of them so he readied himself for a heavy landing. He hit the floor quite hard due to the fact that he was weighing double what he would normally, he landed on his feet and stood up very slowly, putting Ito on his feet as he did, "that bloody hurt, next time catch your selfâ€
Ito waved at Cio as he disappeared into their tent and then turned to the forest on his left and began to stroll between the trees, it was alway beautiful this time of year, especially when the trees where fruiting, although that was a couple of weeks ago now. For about half an hour Ito walked throught the forest not really thinking about anything but the surronunds and how he hoped that all this blow over and he could back to exploring the world, althoug secretly he know that nothing would be the same, not for any reason he just know that it couldn't be.
After this he returned to the encampment and climbeda tree near the last one, so they knew where to find him if they needed him, and slept soundly.
Kaeto, bald, from the fire having burnt all but his side burns off, wandered in a dazed fashion towards one of the soldiers and asked about the whereabouts of Cio and Ito. After the soldier stopped laughing at the ridiculous look (which took a good few mins), he pointed in a vague direction with a hand still trembling with laughter. Kaeto then proceeded to leave indignantly, in the direction pointed out to him, with a dirty look on his face.
When he eventually found the tent, he had grown used to the trail of laughter which followed him throughout the camp. He saw someone was already inside it and opened it to find Cio fast asleep. He entered, trying not to wake him, lay down on the floor and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the floor.
Three hours past as Ito slept soundly and then completely on cue Ito's eye snapped open and he was wide awake. This talent had taken months to perfect but when he was out in the jungle he needed to be able to get up before dawn every morning to avoid the more dangerous jungle animals as they awoke about 9 am when they began to hunt until noon.

Ito swung his legs over one branch and sat whilst he rubbed his eyes and checked the time (by the position of the sun), he smilied to himself, the time was dead on almost to the minute. He grabbed his stuff from where he left it on the branch next to him and put it all on, after this Ito stood up and jumped from the tree, complete straight with his arms by his side. As he was about to hit the floor he flung his arm at a branch and grabbing it he swung himself around it 360 degrees, then letting going of the branch he did a roll as he hit the floor, finishing on his feet just next to their tent.

Ito Walked into the tent and tripped over the dark figure of Keato, landing on his hand he jumped his legs over Keoto and stood up, whilst snorting under his breath 'what a random place to sleep' he thought to himself. He looked around the tent for Cio and found him laying in the bed in the corner, leaning over him, Ito oplaced his hand on Cio's shoulder and tried shaking him awake so they could have their duel, it then suddenly occured to Ito that Keato may want to join them too.
"I am awake Ito, stop shaking me! I have been up for like ten minutes waiting for you. I could have come and got you if I knew where you were sleeping you know"

Cio got up out of bed and streched, he slung his swords over his shoulder, "Shall we get going then, we only have an hour before the battle, you know I don't feel that nervous, I always thought I would. Instead I feel....calm, like nothing else exists but me, it's like I am in some kind of trance, maybe it will help me focus on fighting these guys!"
Kaeto was woken by Cio talking. He rolled over to see him getting out of bed and asked him what he was doing.
"oh, hey Keato, sorry about kicking you" Ito said walking across the room and offering Keato an hand up "we were going to have some sparring to warm us up before the battle, you are free to join us but i think i offered Cio the first battle" As he said this he turned his head to face Cio again.
"Yeh, right. Shall we get going then?" Cio pointed towards the door and walked towards it, "well?" Cio asked as he turned back to face them at the doorway, "Are we going or what?"
"hmm yeah, sure" Ito begins to walk towards the door and as he reached it he quickly turned to Keato, "Come on!" Then he turned back and began to run into the forest to his left, through the dense mat of trees, his looked for a clearing. After many moments of fruitless searching he stopped and turned around "See a clearings?"
Cio ran after Ito, keeping close behind him and when Ito stopped he Cio carried on and ran straight into Ito's back, "Bollocks!" yelled Cio as he stood up and rubbed his head, "right then, do you wanna get started now, or wait for Keato to turn up" Cio said this in a way that was obvious he was trying to draw attention away from the fact that he just made himself look like an idiot.
Kaeto arrived at the clearing about 5 mins after Cio and Ito, looking a bit out of breath and had a few scratches on him from when he ran straight through a bramble bush in his hurry to keep up with the two.
"What happened to you?" asked Cio with a smile, "You look like you've been in a war, which Ironically is what is about to happen. So If you wanna watch me and Ito have it out, or you and Ito could try double teaming on me! What do ya say?"

Cio drew both his swords and lay them on the side, he searched the area and managed to find two sticks that would suit him. He put the sticks where his swords were and moved into a fighting stance, "Come on then!"
"Hmm, I think I'll watch you and Ito 1st so u can show me how its done." Replied Kaeto with a grin.
"Alright then Keato! I think hand to hand first Ito!"

Cio began to slowly circle Ito, moving his hands into an offensive position he suddenly sidestepped forward lashing out at Ito with a backfist aimed at his temple.
Ito ducked the blow and shifted to the left, as he did this he brought his left arm in an uppercut movement aimed to hit Cio just below him ribcage.
The punch took Cio by surprise, throwing him bacvkwards and knocking the wind out of him, he struggled to his feet, panting and re gained his composure. He breathed in and then let his air out very slowly, shifting the pain out of his mind and entering a state of complete focus and awarness.

Cio walked slowly walked towards Ito then made a dummy backfist for Ito's throat then jumped into the air and performed a spinning backkick aimed for Ito's head.
Ito head lunged back as the backfist came towards him, avoiding the impact by centimeters but it also caused Ito to loss balanced, as he swayed back to get his balance, Cio kick came towards towards him, luckily as he had stepped back from the backfist the blow barely connected. However when it hit it caused Ito to spin and hit the ground hard.

After a second Ito rolled to his right to avoid any attack Cio may have planned, then turning to face Cio he attemped to swap his leg under Cios and trip him up
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