Star Army

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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 4.2] - Help from below

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Alice smirked under her helmet. "We are almost there, don't get your panties on fire." Alice responded to the leader of yamatai forces on the station. "Just hold on a little longer!"
Roken Sprinted with the rest of the group as they neared the end of the tunnel, "alright time to light em up and get the civilians to safety." Roken charged one of his wrist cannons while his opposite hand blade slid out, ready meet the threat head on or at range if he had to.

Roken ran past Alice, the sounds of combat driving him forward.
Chiaki followed Roken's example and went out the exit of the tunnel. He realized that they needed to get to the other team as quickly as possible why they held their position.

He started firing in a suppression pattern to keep the NMX Neko from attacking the civilians. He moved towards the NMX using what natural cover he could find to protect the unarmored members of their group.
Here it is, Alice though as she followed Kenshin and Roken. She flew just to the end of the hallway and peeked into the concourse. Heavy firefigh between few Yamatai soldier and Ripper was taking place and those yammies could surely use help.

"Our civvies should hang back till we deall with the Rippers or open the doors." Alice said to other while she boosted to neared barricade made by Yamataians. She quickyl leaned out and fired both her forearm cannons at the neares Ripper. She did not really have any other weapon anyway.

"You were right, this is quite a party!" SHe then said over open channel to Kim.
Chiaki heard Alice. "I'm going to make a run for the doors. After all if we don't get them opened this is all for nothing." He opened up with both of his armors weapon systems as he dashed around the corner of the concourse and down to the doors that led to the ship bays.

"Away Team and Peacekeeper Personnel. This is Ise Katae-Taisa, commander of the Aeon. We are in position to keep NMX forces outside the dome from getting close for the moment. We will keep them busy. The rest of our squadron is clearing the the worse of the debris for a departure vector from the planet."
came across the communications, as the sound of distant weapon fire could be heard.
Roken moved in position to cover Chiaki while he returned fire, "Worst, Party, ever...." Roken looked over at Alice who had made it to cover before finally following up behind her, "I've got your back Chiaki, lets get this done quick before this party goes south." Roken saw the Third ripper come out through the smoke, already pointing both barrels of his wrist cannons at it, "Big...very big..." He brought his aim down to the Rippers legs hoping to cripple it before i could get closer to the Yamies...and themselves.
"Roger Kenshin, I am covering you!" Alice responded to Kenshin. He was right, those doors needed to be open and they needed to be open fast. Alice aimed both her cannons on third ripper and opened fire. She wished she had anymore missiless both those were gone weeks ago.
Kenshin made his way towards the door as fast as he could while making use of any available cover or moving in a zig zag pattern. He was so intent of cutting time, he didn't even worry about slowing down all the way. He slid toward the massive door and let his armor protect him when he impacted the door with his residual speed.

He dropped to one knee and pulled out his tool kit and opened the control panel, while checking his PDA, "Damn, this door is off the main grid." he swore to himself, then sent to his team.

"Going to take me a few minutes, the door is not in connection with the station grid. So I can not use my backdoor to open it. Going to have to rewire the controls."

After that he set about the task of bypassing the controls, and reconnecting power to the necessary circuits.


The third Ripper was hammered by both the Peacekeepers and the Star Army personnel. Roken going for the legs made it easier for the others to drop the mecha.

Alice's fire power added to that of the Star Army tore into its chassis and knocked it off its feet when the damaged leg failed trying to compensate.
Roken looked back at Kenshin, "no rush..." He went back to defending his position, huddling behind cover as a swarm of missiles when he got a good look at what looked like a giant four legged weapon mount, " that..?" Roken took a moment as he moved further into cover before poking his head out to once again shoot at the things feet.

"Kenshin hurry that thing is gonna be on us soon."
Alice was next to Kim behind a barricade firing at the last ripper. The barrage killed him rather swiftly. They were not yet through though. Alice's eyes went wide as large mecha walked trough smoke.

"Holy crap that is a mecha! Kenshin, you might wanna speed it up, and be careful some of them might wait behind those doors. Darn I wish I had some missiles left!" She said and fired long burst from both of her TEP cannons. "Hey Yammies, don't you hav any big gun with you?"
Kenshin could hear the frantic tone of his team mates, "I'm working as fast as I can. I get one shot at this, I short out this panel and its game over." he retorted.

Meanwhile his hands were moving as fast as he dared, attaching jumper wires and splicing into the system. After a subjective eternity, he double checked his work. Well here goes.... he thought as he activated the switch.

There was a groan from the massive door as the control light illuminated. But nothing else seemed to happen. Then a second later, he heard the pneumatic locking pins withdraw. The door started sliding into the walls in two sections.

"Door is open, move the Civilians and prisoners." He sent across the open comm.
"Great work Kenshin." Roken said...while moving from cover to cover, watching as the Render finally fell, "Kick him while hes down." He opened up with both of his Xaser Pulse cannons, careful not to hit the allied pilot moving away from the fallen mobile weapon. "Lets get them across now ill cover our escape and we can plan from there."

Roken's eyes darted from the Render to the group as he slowly moved back closer with the others as they moved towards the exit, pushing his wrist mounted guns to the limit as his suits systems began to flare warning lights at him.
The Render was being hammered by some many weapons that it made feeble attempts to retaliate as its systems failed on by one. Finally it exploded in a pyrotechnic wave as its remaining missiles detonated.

"I have the door rigged open. I am going to make a run for the Zenpyou and get started on the power up sequence. One of you grab the datapad after the last of the friendlies gets through the isolation shutter will close three seconds later." Chikai sent to Rokken and Alice as he left the door and rushed forward down the hallway.
Alice moved to the doorway as Render was almost killed. She stood next to datapad and waved Kenshin off.

"You get a move on and be careful. I will take care of the datapad!" She said and turned back to cover everyone's retreat. She then opened comm to the yammies.

"YO Kim-san you get your people move. Doors are open and I will close it, when all are through. You better move your butts!" She commed to everyone.
"We are moving the civilians both the ones we rescued and your group ahead of us. Our ship is taking care of any ground forces trying to approach the dome, and the ships our squadron are clearing a path so we can depart as quickly as possible. Shina-Heisho out." Kim sent


Chikai opened the sealed doors to the Zenpyou and ran a bioscan which came back negative. He then made his way to engineering, he started the dormant power plant for the ship and worked to reroute power around the conduits that were damaged in the original attack. After a few minutes his efforts were rewarded by the secondary systems, life support, and control coming on line.

"Techard-San, once you get to the Zen, you will need to submit your authorization code to release the lockout on the main computer. I am getting all the systems that I can online, there are a lot damaged conduits but we should be able to get out of here." he sent.
Roken fired a few more shots into the Render before finally falling back, "alright then ill get started now." Roken was in a hurry now, the need to get the zen's systems online was at the top of his list of things that needed to be done that moment.

Roken remained on his guard, not sure if the zen was filled with infected or any other hostile's but after the last encounter it would have been nothing compared to killing a rather large Render. He would have to ask how they managed to build such a dangerous weapon from the yamies once they were far away from this place.
Alice was checking perimeter and covering other while waiting for the group to get behind the doors. She listened to comms and looked around.

"Zen should be clean Rok. Kenshin nano-wiped it before we sealed it off remember? We will still have to be careful of course." SHe said to her teammates.
"Right, just being overly cautious." Roken stepped it up as he entered the Zen, making his way to the bridge in record time, "alright submitting Authorization code now." Roken worked his fingers over the keyboard while he kept one eye on his suit sensors, He was prepared if he had to hack the ships systems but something that big would take to long and time was no on there side at the moment.

"Should be opening up for you soon Chikai." Roken started going through the ships systems one at a time before he activated any needed consoles on the bridge.
Throughout the Zenpyou systems were coming to life. The starship which had laid dormant for so long was awaking and preparing itself to fly.

Consoles across the bridge illuminated and started running diagnostics, updating their screens with the latest information. Most primary systems were online, several secondary systems were offline.

"Primary systems ready for commands." the AI called out from the speakers.


Chikai was moving from console to console like a man possessed. He was determined to have as many vital systems on the Zen ready. There was no telling what they would meet once free. He rerouted controls to bypass damaged conduits and circuits. When he was satisfied with his efforts and main power was at nominal. He crossed over to the primary control station.

"Bridge, Engineering. The Zen is as ready as I can get her given the circumstances. We still need repairs, but for that we will need a space port with repair facilities." he sent across the intercom. He cracked his helmet and put it on the console. He took a deep breath, it was good to breath the air on the Zen. He had never flown on her before, but he would make sure she flew today.

He sent a series of commands to the bay that the Zen rested in. An irritating buzz came from the console.

"Bridge... we have a bit of a problem. The outer bay doors are non-responsive. I can't even get a system acknowledgement from them. We are probably going to have blast our way out with the Zen's weaponry."


"Okay, blow the columns, and seal the concourse doorway. All our people are in the corridor and approaching the starship." Kim transmitted to both her people and the UOC personnel.
Roken's eyes moved from console to console, smiling a little as the ship slowly awakened, Good. glad this ship is up and running. He continued to work his fingers over the keys when Chikai made the announcement, eyes rolling as he split his focus to the hangar doors and the Zen's primary weapons, "was not expecting this to be a smooth exit anyway, give me power to the main guns." Roken knew Chikai was a capable engineer so he went about doing the one thing he could at least do till he had the Zens main guns up and ready.

Whatever was keeping the doors sealed he hopped it was a system issue and not a power issue and if it was they would have to blast there way out and that would draw attention from any hostile ships still drifting outside. He checked the security system for the doors, hacking into the controls to see about forcing them to open, "Zen, do we have shields and I also want to be alerted when engineering has giving me power to the primary guns."
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