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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 4.2] - Help from below

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Alice waited for everyone to get trough, before she pulled the datapad out of the port as Kenshin told her before. Doors began to close and she quickly jumped into the hall and followed others. She kept looking back, until doors were closed for good. She meanwhile listened to others on comms while she was on her way back keeping the rear guard.

"Hey mates, do not fire those guns until everyone is on board!" She told Roken and Kenshin.
As Alice watched the massive doors slide shut, she caught a glimpse of something coming through the hole in the wall at the far end of the concourse. It was too far away to be a threat.
Alice did not stop. Whatever it was, she hoped it will get blasted to pieces by explosion or won't be able to get trough the rubble.
"Hey folks just update. There is something in the councourse. Dunno what it is, but it seemed rather large. We need to haul ass!" She commed to everyone.
"Alright that is enough to convince me to get us out of here now." He targeted the main doors as he went through one last check of the ships systems before sending an communications to both his team and the Rescuers, "This his Roken Techard, we will be leaving shortly, make sure your secure and Ill try to make our escape as smooth and uneventful as possible."

He knew it would not take long to get the weapons up and was sure the doors would give way easily.....he hoped. "Firing main weapons in 5 seconds.
“Aye, aye Ma’am.” The Nepleslian pilot replied as he quickly locked on to the source and plotted their escape route. It took no time at all since he had already established several departure vectors beforehand. Trowa moved the Aeon into position then glanced back at the Taisa, the eyebrow above his real eye arched. “Even if they look at us wrong? Ma’am, you’ve been hanging around me too long.” He laughed. “You’re starting to sound like a Nepleslian.”
Aeon Bridge

"Not really, we have a skeleton crewed ship carrying a lot of civilians. We are on a planet that has been taken over by the NMX. So I am fairly certain they do not want us to escape." Katae replied. "I am recycling the shields and turning the secondary turrets over to your control. Just in case."


The brown haired neko looked at Yoshiro, "My designation is Q5. Who is going to take care of us? Once they are done with Zeta she will be gone forever." she said with concern and fear in her eyes.

Zenpyou Bridge

The ship instrumentation showed the requested weapons were online, powering up. Before Rokken the tar getting reticule appeared.

From the speakers Chikai's voice came out with a crackle, "Rokken, I am programming the base's main reactor to overload. It will take out any NMX within a hundred miles. It will take two minutes for the reactor in its condition to overload. That's how long you have to get us to minimum safe zone. I won't let those damn squids use any of our tech to hurt more people."
Takamori laughed, "No no no. There's nothing to worry about. Zeta will be fine. You all will be. We're the Star Army of Yamatai, we have honor. You'll be treated fairly and with some modicum of respect. No one will just disappear. I'm more than happy to bring you all down to medical so you can be together."

He took a breath and said more quietly, "And if she dies, I swear she will be avenged."
Yoshiro stood next to Q5. "He is right and I'll make sure to talk to the Taisa and see what we can do for you." He said. He ruffled Q5's hair. "I promise that I will do all that I can to help you. I am sure that my commander will know what to do here. Let me get you guys something to eat, as I am sure that you are hunngry right?"

Yoshiro left to see a Peacekeeper. The old lady that had stabbed Zeta was standing off to the side as he walked past. There were no guards that were watching her. "Oi, Peacekeeper-san? I have got two questions. Why is that lady not being watched? She attempted to assassinate a Yamatai POW. Two, where is the cafteria?" He asked.
"Then I'll take charge of her until we are safely away from this planet," Kyoka informed Yoshiro, taking up position. "After all, this incident did happen with me as one of the squad leaders, so it is as much my fault as it is yours."

In all honesty, the Neko did feel a little guilty. Civilians should be kept separate from prisoners of war in ANY event really, especially ones that have been stuck behind enemy lines and terrorized. So in another way, it really was her fault for not directing anything. The least Kyoka could do is take charge of the one guilty.
The Peacekeeper motioned to one of the others "Take that woman and lock her in one of the cabins. "This is an Asuka-class Scout, so the mess would be on deck 5. Though I doubt you will find much in the way of food at the moment. Ship has been sitting unpowered for a year. Anything perishable will be useless, but there may be stuff you can work with."

The NMX Nekos perked up some at hearing that Zeta was going to be fine. But the mention of food definitely caught their attention. "Something to eat would be nice." Q5 replied.
Medical Center

The lights to the medical flicked on as the doors slid open. Inside the of the medical center had the look of a long forgotten battle site. Wires hung from the ceiling where a portion had fallen in. There were a number of skeletons stripped completely clean of any soft flesh lay gleaming in the light.

The air had a stale, antiseptic smell to it. There were still some medical supplies and equipment still stored in their cabinet, and two of the beds were still serviceable.

As power was returned to some of the systems, several of the medical stations cycled through their self checks.
Yoshiro took the old lady into the cabin and before he locked her in, he spoke to her. "I know that you lost someone dear to you, ma'am but is revenge really the answer? Will it bring back the one you lost? I know that you are probably mad at me for helping those Nekos but I am sorry for your loss." He said "If you are hungry, I am going to the cafeteria on board and making something for all of us to eat. Let me know if you want something."

Yoshiro headed to the cafeteria and walked into the kitchen. He looked around and found some canned meat and broth to cook with and some pots to cook in. He found some rice to serve the soup with and after awhile he had a delicious smelling soup with rice to go with it. While the soup simmered Yoshiro took the time to clean the place up. It was a big place so he had many things to do but he worked happily as he liked to help others and it looked like the place could use a good cleaning. He finished right as the soup and rice finished cooking and then cleaned the tables and after that he was ready. He took the rice off the burner so it wouldn't burn and turn the soup to simmer

He brought some food down to Q5 and the other Nekos, including Zeta. "Hey guys I brought you some dinner. Hope you enjoy it. Made some chicken soup and bowls of rice for you." He said to Q5 and the others. "I got to get back to the kitchen and serve the others but I do hope that you like it." He turned to the civillians and spoke with a smile. "I have some soup and rice ready for you all. Please join me in the cafeteria and have some food. Anyone who is hungry is welcome to come and eat" Yoshiro said and headed to the kitchen to serve the food. He set aside a bowl of soup and rice for the old lady when he got finished here.
Alice layed injured neko on one of the examination tables. She picked up nearest medical scanner and started working. She wondered why it took neko-body to take care of the problem yet. It was just a stab, from what she heard Neko can take much worse punishment and walk off ten minutes later.

Scanner peeped and showed that there was substance around the wound, that was not supposed to be there. An industrial solvent. Alice shook her head, whoever took the knife to this neko knew what they were doing. She quickly ran to medical cabinet and took two hemosynth fluid phials. She put one in the injector and injected Zeta with it, follwed by the second. If this would not help she planned to inject third one. It was what Alice liked about nekos. You just inject them with hemo and they are fine.

"Okay this should help." Alice said to Yamataian soldier. "I need something from you. Run to others and organise people there. Look at injured and bring people that you think need medical help now here, even prisoners and do not worry. I will keep an eye on this one." She pointed to Zeta lying on the table.


Saki stood nearby the prisoners, leaning against the wall and catching a breather while she could. She wondered why Yoshiro went out such a lengths for those prisoners. Those civvies must have had it horrible last few months. They should be one getting most the attention.

Saki started walking between the civilians looking at them, inspecting them almost. For one she was curious, she did not see many civvies in her life so far, but more importantly she looked for anyone that was harmed or needed help.
Roken Targeted the doors, not wanting to waist anymore time with whatever might still be chasing them, "alright, firing in 3...2...1..Firing." He blinked as the computer sent the command to the main guns, He only hopped that it would be enough to blow a hole for there escape, "Disconnecting from docking clamps, we will be moving in less than ten seconds."
Makoto let out the breath he had not realized he had been holding in. He was glad to see Zeta recovering, though he did not care quite so much as his friend. He did, however, care at all for the UOC. "I will take that as a request and not an order," he said icily to Alice.

He turned to leave. "If she gives you any trouble, Zeta, you let me know," Makoto added for the Neko's benefit.

As he made his way through the ship, Makoto started telling wounded civilians he passed to head for the Medical Center. How was he supposed to perform triage when the wounded were scattered all over the ship?

Makoto reached Takamori, that guy Takamori called Scarface-kun, and the Nekos, who were happily munching away. "Zeta's stable, injected her with some hemosynth and seems to have helped the blood loss. I expect full recovery within a week. You should probably bring all of them down there for a check up. And I'm sure it'll do them all good to be together again," he said to the group. He refrained from saying, "Herd mentality."

Then he left to continue his search for wounded civilians.


"Told you! Makoto keeps his word. Come on, let's get down to Medical and bring Zeta something to eat," Takamori said as he stood up. All of the fatigue had washed away with the arrival of good news.
Kyoka was there for the interaction between Makoto and the UOC team leader. She was quick to reprimand him, though not publically.

Honda-Hei, it would do will not to talk to allied forces in that tone. Especially commanding officers. Let me handle things like that next time, okay?

The Neko quickly strode over to Alice, bowed, then said, "I am sorry for my subordinates tone. However, if you could please refrain from giving my squad orders, it would be much appreciated."
The doors to the ship's back were blasted into large chunks of twisted melted bits that flew out from the force of the Zenpyou's weaponry. "Aperture is clear. Docking clamps have retracted. Clear to launch, calculating depart trajectory." came the AI's voice from the speakers.


Q5 and the other Neko's accepted the food graciously. After they sampled it, they devoured it like they had not eaten in weeks. Once they were done they sat together and watched the goings on.


Most of the UOC personnel who had been brought onboard were in relatively good shape. Fleming and the others who were seriously injured, or those who had been hurt during the run to the Zenpyou were brought down the medical center. Alice would have plenty of people to tend to.

Zeta seeing the others, tried to get off the bed, a hiss of pain came through her clenched teeth. "Ma'am, perhaps I should be put elsewhere to make room for the others."
Alice was not really interested in Yamataian man's blabering. She just shaked her head. Minute ago he needed me to save the neko, but one that is done he is arrogant bastard. Typical yammzor. She thought as she prepared the medbay. She then took a deep breath seeing as other people started flowing in. She was medic not a doctor after all.

First she took Commander Flemin put him on of the beds and gave him the meds he needed. Mainly anti-biotic cocktail of fight his infection. That took only a while and she could work on others. There were some laceration and scratches, which were easy to fix.

When Yammie-neko came to her and started talking about orders and what not Alice looked at her. Her face was tired and stressed.

"You know what," she started replying. "I could not really care less about your subordinates tone. He can go f*** himself. I have work to do now and if he cannot take simple request than he is just a stupid asshole."

She then gave her hypo-spray with few hemosyint fluid phials and said, "Take this and use it on those Neko prisoners. I saw two of them were hurt too. One phial each should be enough. Give them more if they won't start feeling better." Alice then turned away to give painkillers to women with light burns, not paying attention to neko anymore.

When NMX neko started trying to get off the bed, Alice walked to her and pushed her down again.

"You stay! Last thin I need here is you stumbling around and be in way. So you either stay in bed or I find the strongest drug I have to make you stay in bed. Is that clear?" She said to Zeta.
"I was only going to offer to sit..... " at the mention of the drugs and sedation, Zeta's pulse more than doubled, and her eyes widened with pure fear.

"I'll stay Mistress... no drugs... please I'll stay... no drugs..."
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