Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi was sending a transmission back to Mitsuko, "Loud and clear!" while she said to Chlorate, "That will be the last of them, rest assured." To Alastair, she said, "Continue with your mission, Shoi! Breech!" To the pilot, she said, "Follow that planet!"

All the meanwhile, a message had been composed to Director Shida of Star Army Intelligence and the Fleet Admiral, herself.
Team Kraken

Wyatt stared down at all the destruction and death, they had been warned of an electromagnetic shockwave and yet they ended up getting... whatever this was that had cracked the planet. He floated there on the precipice that separated life from death, had it been a minute or two later then they would've been too deep in the cave to avoid the explosion and subsequent land masses that flew away, luckily the three that entered the cave seemed to be fine for the most part. With the brief inspection of his revolver revealing that it was fine besides a few scratches, so it was hung from his hip again as his Aether Xiphos was retrieved.

As long as he could breathe, he would keep pushing on.

The marksman's HUD wavered for whatever reason as his capacitors and fusion backpack were reactivated and hummed with power, the energy was dumped into his mindy's thrusters that spluttered unhealthily to life and propelled him forward at break-neck speed. Wyatt caught up to one of the flying landmasses and managed to match his speed with it before a red warning lit up his HUD.
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Team Hydra

Seino's gaze towards the last position of Kraken was suddenly punctuated by a tremendous, thundering crack. In horror, the scientist beheld the crust all around their team splinter without warning, as if a god's fist had slammed into them from below. The dull glow of gloopy lava radiated from between the spontaneous fissures for an instant before the impact hit, striking their forms as boulders arced into the air around them.

His HUD blinked, the only thing stationary in his vision as Mochi went spiralling, the sheer force jarring through his hollow bones as the team lurched skywards. With heavy breaths he raised his armored hands, slightly damaged thrusters ready to fire and recover, using the time to register their losses. A blur in the background caught his attention within that instant the veteran had focused on his display. A gigantic granite block, wider and thicker than he could possibly hope to evade. The only time left was to brace, pray and use whatever energy he had to shield himself.

CRUNCH. The shockwave reverberated through Seinosuke, feeling fractures flare inside his limbs like so many iron spikes. A yowl of pain escaped his lips, his shields having blinked out on impact, the metal suit crumpling into his figure to a greater or lesser extent. It was as if he'd been inside a drinks can as someone had crushed it slowly, jagged edges of the metal jabbing his sides.

As his vision gradually worked its way back from a hazed blur, the doctor had time to ponder how that could have gone differently. Whether on the ground or the air, he would have been swatted and ended up back here. Either way, their job was more important than an ST, no matter how painful the situation. It reminded him of the ill-fated last spec ops mission he'd undertaken, coming back nearly boiled alive inside his own Mindy, his foggy haze finally lifting.

His training flooded back, assessing the tools on hand. Right now, he could just about move his arms at the elbows, the chest of his power armor holding the weight of the block, by some miracle, from squashing him into bird paste. They had been by his sides as the colossal rock had slammed into the soldier. All he could reach was his grenades and xiphos, hardly the best of escape tools. The visor of his suit began to splinter and crack, HUD flickering to dark, the mere motion of his chest rising and falling against the inside of the suit denoting how precarious the situation was.

Mochi had no idea how long time had passed since he'd been struck from the sky as he gazed through the webbed glass, whatever the case he couldn't just wait, for all he knew the others were gone or dead from the debris, even if they had been airborne. Gripping the scalar pulse grenade in a metallic hand, the father-to-be muttered one last prayer as he primed the device and let it drop, rolling down the gap he had created between the chunks of terra firma. His xiphos held firm in the other fist, ready to jam the weapon in his place, hoping the resulting gravity would raise the weight for even a mere moment.
Team Hydra

Like the rest of her team, Sacre had been caught unexpectedly by the planet's explosion. She was sure that a planet blowing up was an awe inspiring sight, perhaps like a whale at Sea Galaxy. However, she was in the splash zone and unlike Sea Galaxy, the splash was a bit more dangerous then getting drenched.

She had not gotten very far off the ground when the planet exploded outwards. She had barely any time to react, triggering her teleporter to take her away. However, she was slow. Rocks hit her as she vanished in a flash. She appeared a few thousand kilometers away from the planet. She was spinning and everything hurt. Well, not everything, the lower quarter of her tail wasn't in pain. She looked down, seeing her armor smashed by the speeding rocks. Her long tail was peppered with the familiar sight of blood. Her blood. The last quarter of her tail refused to respond. As she twisted in the growing cloud of blood, she realized that something had cut her spinal cord that far down. She took a breath, at least she wasn't dead like Leeta was.

As she reached into her med kit for a roll of gauze to staunch the bleeding, her whole body protested in pain. She ordered the suit to give her some pain killers as she worked. The suit was telling her that almost everyone had been damage, many injured in some ways, and a few killed. It never rained, but it poured. She trusted the other two Medics, Care and Miles, to handle their own teams. She had to take care of Hydra first.

Leeta was dead. There was no helping that. She didn't have data on William, she hoped that his big armor had protected him. Kaori's hand was trapped between some boulders. That pinned them down so they couldn't move if something big was coming for them. Iemochi was the worst off, he was crushed between two huge rocks, but still alive. Sacre reacted instinctively, placing her bets that Kaori would probably be able to free her hand. "Cut your hand off if you have to." She told the Neko as she straightened herself and activated her teleporter.

She appeared sandwiched between the rock with Mochi. "It's all right, I have you." She said to him calmly. Much more calmly then she actually felt. The area between the rock was narrower then she thought, she could feel the slight movement as they continued to crush together. She braced her long tail against the rock and pushed to reach Mochi. She didn't get as far as she had expected. She looked down at the unresponsive quarter of tail and cursed herself for being such a failure.

At that moment, the two huge buildings shifted. For a split second, Sacre realized that this was it. She was going to die smashed between two small mountains. There was no fear in it, in fact there was a sense of relief that her pain would be over. She just wished she had more time with Gravity.

Then the grenade went off, pushing the two huge weights apart just ever so slightly. The thoughts of the previous moment were gone and Sacre pushed forward and grabbed Mochi. She activated the teleporter, carrying them away to safety several thousand kilometers away.

She maneuvered carefully, running a diagnosis on his suit to see if it would keep him safe until he could be picked up later. She started to wrap some bandages around him, using his Mindy as a splint to keep his bones straight. "Do you have a read on William?" She asked as she worked.
Space - Outside IIS Palm

Without a doubt, the massive eruption of the planet's surface made Abart just as speechless as the others, and as the many HUD icons went from green to all sorts of yellow and red, he also felt the urge to drop his current assignment anf head out to help the unfortunate strike forces. The seeming insignificance of their presence compared to the grand scale of destriction here sent a light chill down his spine....and that's a lotta spine. "...cho noúndeju........"

However, Hoshi's quick reply in ordering the breach got him back to attention. As much as he wanted to, there was another job to be done for him. The other teams are more than capable enough to look after their own..... or so he wanted to think. For now he needed to get this here job done first. Hopefully focussing on this would help get his mind off this for a bit...

With the entryhole cut, the long metallic spacenoodle lined up in front of it, weapon at the ready. "Affirmative Chusa, initiating breach. Theisilis-hei taking point." After dropping a flashbang through the entrance and letting it pop, a quick boost was all it took for the Separa to slip inside, doing a quick somersault to land on the floor inside the ship. Using his flexible snaketail, Abart's torso did a full 360 turn on the spot to sweep the area for potential hostiles.

YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

After several attempts at communication with Hydra had failed, Nerai resorted to pull up the suit data on the respective members. Needless to say, the results were far from pleasant. With an audible gulp, the Middle-aged separa woman read the information, reciting it to the Captain as requested.

"Team Hydra is not responding to comms at present. Suffered substantial damage. Madsen-hei and Aoi-heisho confirmed KIA. Sassinia-heisho injured but alive, currently assisting other members. Dokusei-hei lightly injured. Iemochi-Juni lightly injured but armor severely damaged. Specialist William MIA at present."

She hadn't looked into the other teams, but it didn't take a genius to know that they would be off just as bad. It's like the whole world just went to heck in an instant.......oh wait, it did.

A quarter of it at least.
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Space - Outside IIS Palm

Alastair cursed under his breath as he got confirmation he was to stay on his mission. "Copy, will continue to the ship."

His entire being wanted nothing more than to help his crew. They meant everything to him yet this ship stood in his way. He'd breach it alright, straight to hell if he had anything to say on the matter.

Alastair followed behind his snek friend. He slowly touched down inside the ship with weapon draw. The drones detected from his back and floated to either side of him. He looked around for the first possible thing to kill that wasn't friendly.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi relayed information from the SAINT stream filtered into the HUD, consoles, and digital minds of some of those on the Kaiyō crew. Half of it was almost undecipherable without a digital mind or intricate knowledge of SAINT operating procedures.

Those that would receive the data stream of the deep space probes and active assets from Hoshi were Teien Eden, Murakami Mitsuko, Mikael Harris, Nerai Thesilis, Deio Asuka, and Gravity.

The little Nekovalkyrja stayed standing, though the slime had fallen between her fingers after she had squeezed it too tight when she was gripped with concern for her team, onto Chlorate's shoulder.

Chusa Hoshi said to Harris, "Open a line to all Kaiyō personnel."

ISS Palm

The CIC had a little more than a half dozen disoriented aliens within it as well as three stunning golden orange power armors that were stationed on the perimeter of the large 23 foot circumference of the CIC. These armors started shooting once the snekko rolled in with the friendly neighborhood Second Officer and Muyomi. The golden orange power armors were a little disoriented and the first shot to land hit a quad-eared alien with bright skin and obtusely huge hands. They shrieked and fell to the floor, at which point two unarmored but well-uniformed aliens in the CIC drew pistols from holsters and began backing towards two different exits, one had their front facing the three SAoY personnel while the second turned their back once at the open door to run through it. A blue-skinned and white haired alien with the same four ears and huge, balled fists lunged towards the door that the other alien had been backing towards. She grabbed the other alien by the shoulders and used them as a shield while exiting the door with them.
ISS Palm

Alastair put up his arm shield and looked around the room. His armor started to track all the unfriendly foes around him. His eyes narrowed as he seen one of them use someone as a meat shield. His rage burned like crimson fire as he pictured all his friends he could not save suffering.

In the blink of an eye the chain Alastair had wrapped around his arm was around the neck of one of the golden armors. He swing around this armor like a spin top for one rotation before aiming for another golden armor near by. His gun was that of a saber blade and aimed squarely at the head of this other armor.

His drones scattered and started to fire at the other bad guys in the room.
YSS Kaiyo
Monitoring Room

The coppery-haired mother gasped,her body grinding to a halt as the planet she was looking at seemed to undergo the most violent metamorphosis possible, ejecting masses of its crust and mantle into the void. The glowing, rocky blood of the celestial body pulsed still, pulsing as if the smol one's breathing controlled it. "W-what the h... hell just happened?" Her voice called out through the ship's comms timidly. A flicker on the monitoring screen yanked her eyes to it - a sigh of relief could be heard, Mochi was still alive.

Her breathing quickened once more - just barely reaching the range of hyperventilation. The feedback was struggling to promote clear data - the values fluctuated, for a few seconds the display counted him among the dead, and he looked to be on his own... Inside of a massive piece of rubble. Arbles stifled a sob, but a painful feeling was torturing her gut and scalding her mind...
IIS Palm - CIC interior

As soon as they had touched down, the incoming fire made things difficult to see. Still, with the help of the extra protection the shield provided, Abart made out the, three figures legging it out of the room. Pursuit would be priority, if it weren't for the three armors opening up their barrels on them.

With little to no cover, their only option would be to take them out as quickly as possible. Luckily, this snake had just the pepperbox to spice up these tuna cans. Somehow that brief glimpse at the strange looking alien folk reminded him of fish.

Makingg sure that his two teammates were safely behind him he called out his shots to the others to help direct their fire. "Three armors, taki-... wut?"

Except they werent, as Abart just noticed Alistair leaping towards one end of the room to manhandle one of the armors. At that moment Abarts thoroughly trained trigger discipline was the only thing that stood between Alistair and three 50mm slugs of friendly fire.

"Ack cho'dvehrr!" Now the shoi's drones were also pelting the other two golden orange suits, while he held the third one close to him. While the Sylph's firepower was not to be trifled with, a bit of extra firepower never hurt, so Abart instead directed a handfull of gauss fire at the two otherenwmy suuts present, this time holding his tail somewhat in front of Muyomi, insinuating to her to not jump iut in front of him as well.
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What used to be Planet H

Kaori was caught off guard by the sudden implosion of the faux planet. The very earth beneath her shifted and crumbled as a hailstorm of debris and fire surrounded the team. The small Nekovalkyrja was thrown about every which way as the land around them spread and split away. The cacophony of the moment was overloading, and the forces of gravity had left Kaori more than a little dazed as her senses pushed in and out like an ocean wave. Oh how she hated the ocean.

In her stupor, Kaori found herself high above where the planet once was, the remnants of its crust floating out towards the fringes its seeping atmosphere. People were talking yet again, now in quite a panic. Her suit was telling her messages of all kinds, including a very confused "pull up" warning unsure of what was land or space anymore. On top of all that, a large mass of land was coming straight for them. Sacre received a distant grunt from the dazed Neko as she considered her options with the searing pain in her right hand. "Come on now", she thought. She could do better than that. Be rational.

She inhaled. All was quiet. No alarms, no screams, no foggy sensory, no pain: just a moment of beautiful silence. Kaori swiveled her head back and forth, assessing her situation. With a little push from her suit thrusters, she gently pushed herself off the landmass to turn back and face it. With the added might of her right arm and thruster, she pulled through the collapsing earth that had trapped her arm, sending bits of stone shrapnel floating gently into space. Her right forearm plate was dented, and her hand was bent to its limits. Still tangled in her broken grip was her Si-Zi revolver, now twisted out of functionality. She cast it away with a few shakes, instead looking up to the free space above her. She reached out with her good arm to grab a sample bag that had been thrown out of her suit's buttpack. With the little fruit back in order, she fired her thrusters again. With a steady pulse, she was up and out of the way of the approaching land mass.

Soon, the sounds returned. Not disrupted, but crystal clear. The Nekovalkyrja reoriented herself, taking in all of her surroundings. Upon hearing the grenade detonate from the closing space beneath her, she swiveled around in place. A few of her teammates were down there, but she could tell things were in control as teleport flashes peeled them away from the situation. Instead, she simply put her mind back to work. Heating up her shoulder-mounted SMG, lurching forwards to merge with the group remainder once again. She turned her comms back on for a brief message. "Dokusei-hei, reporting. Damaged, but alive."
Team Hydra

As William floated higher and higher, trying to find the source of the rumbling he opened his comm to reply to Sacre, but before he got the chance Hell opened its gates and the planet cracked.

The Nepleslian tried to fly away from the explosion but was slammed by a huge piece of terra firma. He cried out as his head slammed into his faceplate with a resounding 'CRACK!' Then everything faded into darkness...

William felt weightless, like he was floating. His fingers twitched, and water moved around his fingers. He opened his eyes slowly and looked side to side only to find that wherever he was completely pitch black. He tried to open his mindware to find it wasn't responding either. He sat up in the pool of water, and let his fingers skim the surface.

However as his finger moved, he felt the pool start to get deeper. He felt the water slowly rise to his abdomen, then to his chest. But when he tried to move his legs to stand, they felt rooted in place. He thrashed as the water kept creeping towards his head. William took a huge breath as the water passed over his face. He kept trying to move but still wouldn't budge. His lungs and muscles burned as they used up the last of his available oxygen, he tried to hold his breath but finally he gasped.

William's eyes shot open as he took in a shuddering gulp of air. He panted for several seconds before he was able to compose himself. He looked in his HUD to find that he had been blown out into space with the debris. He performed a diagnostic and tried to see what damage had occurred. He then opened his comms. "Is... is anyone there?" He asked hoarsely.
YSS Kaiyo II
Chlorate made a relieved beep, looking at her station again. She widened her eyes, in disbelief, trying to process what happened to the planet. She quickly turned her head to look at Hoshi again and asked
"What has happened to the planet? Where is father?" She sounded much more alarmed, realizing Mark could be seriously hurt, or worse.

Third Deck

Kiki stopped and scratched the back of her crested head. "Oh... err... a maintenance conduit..." she said to herself, confused. She looked back at her cockatoo wings, which were probably not going to agree with her going in there. "Right... Can you let whoever's in the suites know I need to go through to access the maintenance conduit?" She asked MEGAMI. "So the uh... Small... maintenance conduits? Am I really the best suited for going in there?" the tall bird thought to herself, neither having the small size nor the lack of wings that others had that would make traversing the passageways much more convenient.
YSS Kaiyo II

Mikael was monitoring the communications, sensors, and various other data streams of information to properly sort and sift it with help of his virtual intelligences. Then he instantly recognizes the source of a new stream of data being piped to him from the electronic signatures. He just grinned a bit and then looked more serious.

"Aye aye, comms are open to the teams." Mikael would respond as he starts to use the new temporary access to get more eyes on what is going on. Having a far wider view of the sky, Mikael would begin trying to calculate the route/orbit of the planet. He is doing this for two main reasons, to refine the projection of its speed and to also determine its point of origin. If he can determine the latter, he might just get lucky in detecting anything else along its path.

Though this is also highly dependent on how much SAINT wishes to share. There is highly likely going to be other assets within the view of the sensors that there will be dark spots only someone familiar with SAINT would know are likely artificial. For all he knows, they likely already know everything he is looking for and will actively get in his way to determine it.
Team Kraken
No Longer Planet H

Care's path in the chaos was simple- Outward, away from what was the planet with the highest speed that the MINDY could handle for extended periods of time. She had orders to return to the ship but given her trajectory she was much more concerned with immediate safety, and if the explosion were to rapidly expand it would be better if they were on the fastest path away than to immediately head to the Kaiyo. For once, despite all of the commotion and events she did not give orders or reiterate specifics, she expected those who survived to do as she did, safely make their way to the ship. It bothered her in a way, how in this dire time she could not bring herself to say a word, only to stare down at the crumbling heap of stone and dirt as it rapidly heated and collided with itself.

Her MINDY blared numerous warnings that she had set it up to do. Tags to notify her when injury occurred, and as the world itself collapsed she was given many, but despite the mass injury the one that struck her most was Hanna. The warning was simple a solemn statement of her condition.


She reacted and moved away as the ground shifted and had hesitated to give the order, and now Hanna was dead in mere moments. Was she directly responsible? Could she have foreseen the ground splitting apart to reach out and devour the Neko while she was unprepared? No, of course not, she was no oracle and she would not pretend to be. But even the lack of reasoning stopped her mind from forming connections, she did not stop it, she did not help her, and now Hanna was dead. The only reasonable solution was that she was to blame, and someone had died because of her lack of action. Despite what she initially thought, there was no rise of panic or disappointment, there was no bubbling burst of emotions that broke her many seals, if anything she didn't change at all, staring down at the now distant marker that was the last recorded position of Hanna.

She felt nothing, and it was so dreadfully wrong that she could not stand it. She began to adjust her course to angle towards the Kaiyo, still not speaking as an autopilot took over her actions. She had not met Hanna before today, she tried to get to know her and befriend her, and though Hanna was receptive she was focused enough to request that any socialization occur outside of the mission. Had she distracted her? If she had kept her distance would she still be alive? Either way there would be no next time, no asking to hang out between missions. She did not know if she had her back-ups enabled or disabled, but she could not even pretend to hold faith in them, not here.

There was still the matter of the second ship but Care could not be mused to fly to it. There were injured, and there would be more injured still. She knew that her job here would be quite minimal regardless, dump the lot of them in Hemosynth and make sure they didn't expire before then. She could do that, she couldn't afford to think about anything else as she tuned out the empty noise. It felt wrong to be so empty.
Space, Near Remains of Planet H
Dolphin Team

Much like Mikael, Mitsuko began analyzing the data she was receiving, trying to piece together a picture of local space along with the path of the planet projectile. She had no expertise with planet-cracking weaponry or SAINT operations, but the logistics of deep space travel was something she could handle. Mass, acceleration, distance, time.

This situation was disastrous, the various away teams could attest to that, but unless the former planet was capable of FTL speeds, Murakami wasn't certain what other immediate danger it presented. The impostor ship, and its plans for the hurtling planetary debris, was more concerning.

"Dolphin Team, form up on my position. We will be inserting ourselves between...what remains of Planet H...and the hostile craft. Report if unable to comply." Her displays showed most of them able to escape, although the Kuma shuttle seemed almost certainly lost. With Kyoi inside, after she'd unfortunately decided not to abandon the shuttle as Mitsuko had ordered. "Kiseki-Hei, activate your teleporter or blast yourself free, the shuttle is not worth removing yourself from action during this engagement."
Dolphin Team

Kyoi felt a moment of cruel irony as her head, much like one of an Arctic Fox, popped up above the snow. She took a moment to assay her surroundings, her suit camoflouged brilliant white to blend in with the snow, and took off to join the squad.

“I chose to blast myself free.” she answered, her rifle running hot as she switched out the munitions for her atmosphere-capable rounds. “No resources expended except for one Kuma. This uni-I require current intel updates.”
Rubble of What Used to be Planet H?
Team Kraken

Riku looked back a moment as he caught up with Care before her launch, gazing at the destruction below. The pure awesome and hellish scene made him feel a mixture of emotions. His mind fought between awe, worry, fear, and even flashes of anger.

Care then shot off into space, but her trajectory was into space. Their orders were to head to the Kaiyo, though, right? It took a couple seconds for him to figure it out. The path she was taking was faster out of his predicted “Danger Zone” than simply boosting to the Kaiyo, which in that time any number of incidents could occur. His instinct of self-preservation and wanting to at least not die alone kicked in, and he shot through space towards Care. He could always turn and go to the ship after they were out of the danger zone and no longer in danger of being melted to slag by the planet’s magm- What was this?

Warnings had been appearing all over his HUD since the planet began its transformation, into what Riku was unsure of, maybe nothing, but this warning was different. It was a bright red rectangle in the top center of his HUD before moving to a sidebar, joining his WARNING: CFS Stress Approaching Maximum Limits, WARNING: External Temperatures Exceeding Maximum Safety Standards, and other such warnings. This new warning nearly made him shed a tear, a rare thing for him to do. It simply read: “WARNING: Teammate Down. Hanna Madsen. Status: DECEASED.

He hadn’t met Hanna yet, but had noticed her in the hallways before departure and even at the meeting. His first mission and he had already lost a comrade. Was this common for the Kaiyo? There was Soul Transfer of course, but some were incompatable or simply refused it. As a marksman his job was to ensure threats were elimanated before they reached and/or harmed his team. How could he have predicted this? There had to have been warning signs, and if he had noticed maybe he could have warned Eden and those underground and in the shuttle.

The Minkan cleared his mind, filing his emotions away for a time after the mission. An audible sigh escaped his lips, and even more warnings popped into existence on his HUD. He was coming up behind Care, and if any debris shot up towards them it would hit him before her. He activated his barrier shield module, increasing the amount of abuse he could take. The thrusters flared as he poured every available amount of aether energy into them, even tapping into his reserves. At this point he could only hope that no one else got hurt.
YSS Kaiyo II

Gravity sat with a look of pure focus, going as fast as she dared and even putting the ship through a roll to avoid a fucking mountain range that had threatened to smash them like a bug.

Glancing over at the SAINT feed, she couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow. This whole plot to use a planet as a projectile weapon seemed a little too cartoonish and complex. How long did it take to install a thrust system capable of moving a planet at these speeds? How much did it cost? Certainly more time consuming and expensive than redirecting a bunch of asteroids.

If the Kuvexians had hired her to handle battle strategy, she could have definitely come up with some better options.

'Eh, later. Right now I need focus on dodging that tropical archipelago coming at us. I hope Sacre's okay.'
Mark had reacted as soon as the order was given, but too many were going up. So it was time for plan b, a little sub program he had been working on that would activate a series of commands from his Geist. With his reflexes and the plan activated he sprang into action.

[Plan B protocol enabled]
[SHIELD BURST engaged]

Mark rocket back towards the entrance his shields now focused before his elliptical shield as he flew at high speed through the short distance they had travelled in. Rocks were thrown aside as he flew like a man made energized meteor. He exited the cave and flew up, even as the world crumbled beneath.

He slowed after reaching some distance and watched the end of a world. Just when he thought death couldn't take more, it took the very planets. He saw the list of KIAs and injuries. He felt nothing, too used to seeing such lists. He only gave it a passive glance.

"Kaiyo actual, this Oaklen-hei. Current status is unharmed, and alive. Requesting coords for team rendezvous. Again, alive and requesting waypoint. Awaiting retasking.", Mark said with a neutral and calm tone depsite what should have horrified him.