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OOC [OOC] 5th XF OOC Discussion

In my opinion it makes no sense to have exploration vessels going away - especially recent, powerful ones, when the Empire is fighting a war which is not going well at all.

It's essentially the reason why the Miharu can't be an exploration/adventure plot like I originally intended.
Why have battles? Because most players enjoy them, and the 5th isn't in a position to follow the wishes of a mod that is now, for better or worse, gone and not coming back for a while.

This is about the 5th staying alive, not remaining true to old ideas. Do what it takes to keep shit afloat, yo.
And hey, the 1st XF and 5th XF are just went under combat alert, so it'd not make sense if the Yugumo didn't even acknowledge it.
Read the latest posts in the Sakura and Miharu plots.
OK, that's one thing that I've been concerned with for a while; I don't read the other plotships (mainly due to lack of time and energy) and I'm finding that that means I have no way of knowing what is actually happening in the universe at all unless someone happens to make an offhanded remark in an OOC topic.

Surely I'm not the only one in this situation, so what I'd like to see is an IC news type forum where those who know what's going on can make summary posts about what is going on in the galaxy. Not only would this keep myself from looking stupid because I don't know things my character should, but it would also be a invaluable resource for new players who could reference it to get a feel for what the current situation is, and for everyone as it would provide a constantly updating timeline of events.

You could even take it a step further and have special reports on the activities of certain ships (the plotships of course, when secrecy does not interfere), possibly going so far as to have media correspondents placed aboard some plotships to try and get the inside story, while at the same time unwittingly turning the PCs into mini-celebrities.

That's my 2 cents anyway.
I really dig the idea. SANDRA isn't used enough.

And it's not like they wouldn't have stuff to report on. I mean, Taiie's sun just exploded.

Doshii Jun volunteered to be the person responsible for future SANDRA reports, with some editorial help from Wes. Congratulations Doshii on your promotion to being our news managing... err... person!
Honestly and no offense I think it amounts to largely the same thing. Dammit why can't you leave us in peace? I've already thought this all out to our status as the Yugumo mini-fleet.
Yeah, but the rest of the Yugumo fleet is currently at Taiie, caught in an interdiction field and under attack by the SMX. Only the Yugumo is chilling at Yamatai.
It is pretty clear that the Yugumo colonisation group was stationed at Taiie. Andrew wrote that down himself and I've been using it as a reference.

However, as far as I was concerned, the influx of new ships Katsuko had requested hadn't gone entirely through. Valaad had been supplied with them, but Taiie hadn't yet, meaning that most of the ships the Yugumo group has in Taiie are mostly a handful of transport ships (Odoris) and a colonization ship (Noujou) whom are probably going to high tail it as soon as they load themselves up with refugees from Taiie.

So, yeah, your new requested ships are probably stationed at Valaad too. You ought to use that as an excuse to make a maiden flight for your ship ^_^

Before you whine further, I'll point out that the universe you're playing in is not at peace. It's at war. And the war is not going well. With the events at Taiie, the 5th XF is likely to have lost the cohesiveness required from using it in frontline roles, meaning it will not be able to fight anymore. This works entirely in the favor of your plotship, which was apparently all daisies and roses and bent on getting the hell away and making itself a social plot.

I must say I'm a bit disappointed by your attitude though. You could be taking advantage of this to the hilt but instead you just whine and ask to be left in peace. *snorts* The Yugumo is part of this setting. You turning reclusives and only staying in your own sandbox (like "nothing outside the Yugumo exists) is, I beleive, extremely wasteful.
Ever heard of contingency dumb*bleep*? you guys are just too combat bent, ever think there are some of us who would rather not be involved in it for a little while?
Oh, so, we've been reduced to name-calling? Sorry, not joining in. I don't fancy being banned. You shouldn't either.

I don't recall anyone forcing the Yugumo into combat - we just suggested it could be something to do, since stuff was going on and that you are in a... how was it again? Oh yes: Star Army. Which is an army. Armies usually are there for the purpose of fighting, most of the time, especially when there's a war. And we are 'combat bent' you say? Mmm...

Fortunately for you, though, the Star Army isn't just for combat. If I recall correctly, the Star Army has these following functions:
  • To ensure the continued survival of Yamatai and the Star Army of Yamatai
  • To combat enemies of Yamatai and the Star Army of Yamatai
  • To protect the peoples of Yamatai
  • To expand Yamatai territory as directed by the Emperor, Empress, or Imperial Senate
  • To function as a postal mail and package carrier for Yamatai during wartime
  • To provide transportation service to Yamataian citizens during wartime
'Ensure the continued survival of Yamatai' is a priority and 'expand territory' is another important point... which, if the Yugumo had sufficient incentive, could go and do without looking bad (bad: "While our fellow soldiers are dying in a war, we are off exploring!")

In fact, it looks like you got precisely what you wanted out of the current situation and you keep whining. The events in Taiie actually are to your advantage!

Seriously. I make a passing mention about a exploding sun and you get all defensive. ^_^;
Fine I apologize for that. But it seems like you and Wes provoke stuff sometimes just to have something to do. >.> But I'd personally rather talk about all this over Yim Fred, honestly, contact me sometime for a more civilized discussion.
Tyler said:
But it seems like you and Wes provoke stuff sometimes just to have something to do. >.> .

Well if it wasn't for people having special events like battles and exploding suns happen, the RP would just be a giant space soap opera. I'm willing to guess that most people would get bored pretty fast. It is good to not battle all the time, but battles none of the time would pretty much be RP'ed as everyone sitting on the ship bickering at each other. Maybe get lucky and find something in space, but in the long run, most of the time it would be unexciting and boring.

This may just be me, but the lack of events so far could be what the Yugumo is suffering from. I know it just started, but if we go ahead and join into a fight or two, we could use that as a spark to shoot off the Yugumo into a successful plotship. After that, then we could do some explorations, then just go back to fighting when the army needs us. I know I just started roleplaying here and I don't know everything here all that well, but that is my two cents on the subject.

I mean hey, we are the army after all!