Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP Sood Zadra

Lenna looks over to the twins as they address her and then nods some as she says " Sorry she gets all worked up about crawling through older ships looking for goodies and parts. But I assure you she is focused on the task at hand and that is the meson reactor's main reason we are here. The turrets are not needed but it is nice to see what they have avabile while we are here, but it is best to not linger on them.

She looks over to Nikicon and makes her way back over there as she taps her on the shoulder and says " now remember just the parts needed for the meson reactor and its subsystems that is the focus here. Do not worry about the point defense turrets as much.

Then looking over at the junk dealer Lenna would smile and then say " I think we are going to focus on getting the parts to repair the power system over anything else for the most part Sir. The turrets can be later as we are mostly looking for them, as with a complete refit of the power system as a last resort. I believe we are short on time for the moment and must focus on the larger task at hand yes?"

Nikicon nods some but looks ashfellen like a child being scolded by her parents in the candy store and then nods smiling brightly as she says " yep yep, I help with finding parts and carry them back or stack them up and get more. You can count on me, Ma'am!" Nikicon snaps to attention and then looks toward the junk dealer and awaits him saying to follow or to say that he does not need her help. But that puff of a tail behind her is in motion all the time betraying her excitement for looking at new ships and what goodies she might be able to find at the junk dealer's boneyard.
By the Bar with Soon Bardoon

Wa-wan took a mild gulp of the alcoholic drink. He face squirmed a bit as the alcohol ran down her throat. The old owner of the body was used to drinking, she still had the memories of all her partying with Ehlen comrades. But Ryu, on the other hand, was still used to being a Minkan.

"That maybe so ma'am, but boasters usually are the first ones to die. I am a recon specialist trained in electronic warfare. By extension, that also makes me a defensive and offensive hacker. No that doesn't apply to SAoY systems, their MEGAMI would sniff me out faster than an ID-SOL eating all the food at a burger joint. Those giants will eat anything." she spoke once she recovered. She snickered at the thought of an ID-SOL rampaging in a burger joint like a bull. She recovered and went back to her sales pitch, looking over towards Soon.

"Point me to an area you want information on, I'll gather it. Combat control, gotcha. Slow down the enemy to make a clean tactical retreat, I know the choke points. Take the fight to them afterwards, direct action it is." highlighting Ryu's Far Line Ranger and Giretsu training.
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Hoversled 34

Jack had just been curious if the man was in the Navy or Army. He had not expected this out poring of information. It was very interesting though. He wondered if the man would share more information about this alliance. It would be beneficial to know exactly what was the extend to that alliance and Kuvexian and how it also related to the Bareness here on Sood Zadra.

Jack chuckled and nodded his agreement about the tea. "It's not quite my cup of tea either." Sargent Caffran glanced over and Jack and rolled his eyes. "Oh no. Jack..." He muttered under his breath. There was a slight delay and then Jack's face began to turn red and started to laugh. At first it wasn't so bad, but it quickly became a very heavy laugh. Jack's eyes had almost disappeared and there were tears forming in the corners. In a moment he could hardly breathe. Jack relished his own jokes, even if they weren't very funny. Even as a boy any little pun that he was able to come up with would send him into a laughing fit. Even as a senor Captain he would sometime be overcome by a simple joke. Ensign Doyle laughed as well and even Caffran had to smile. Jack was a man who enjoyed life and it his good humor was contagious.

Jack wiped his eyes and regained his composer. "My apologies, sir." He cleared his throat again then moved on. He found this talk of Kuvexian assimilation very interesting. For the last what was it? 6, 7 year war, the Kuvexians had only been interested in domination. He also smiled at the Doctor's forwardness. He was glad that she was here. Her perspective would prove invaluable. Jack laughed again, though not anywhere near so hard, at the mention of the popularity of Nepleslian culture, especially food. "Who would of though Nep's great contribution to the galaxy would be our hamburgers?"

After a decent pause, Jack brought up the subject of this alliance the Kuvexian were a part of. Jack wanted to know more about this alliance. How many members were a part of it? How large was it? How much did the Kuvexians influence the alliance and how much power did this alliance had over the Kuvexian? "I realize this is quite a lot to be asking, and I might be out of place inquiring at all. But you must realize that my nation has been at war with the Kuvexians for several years now. In that time we haven't learned all that much about them or where they come from. We are not interested in any territorial expansion. We just want to know that our citizens are safe. And any potential trade agreement or military alliance ultimately comes down to that. Will it be good for our people?"
Alien Quarter

Alright, you heard the wonder twins, we best get moving and quickly. We do not want to make Soon angry by being late. We can sort getting the parts you need afterwards. I have no doubt my crew can get whatever you need for your ship. In fact I have been reading a book gifted to me by a Mr Maximus. It is amazing what all you can slap together using Nepleslian Steel and a little bit of hope. While not my style, this should no doubt come in handy with getting your ship glued back together.

Since Lenna or Nikicon did not acknowledge his offering of paying, he thought best to let it slide. Though this was more than likely for the better since Soon may not like the fact he was under cutting her. Granted it was not as if he needed her permission to do the right thing just because she might get her panties in a twist. This was to be a partnership of equal footing. He'd only act the role of foot stool to show he can be humble knowing that Kuvexian value a good combination between money and slavery. Though he could not help but wonder how far things might have to go in order to win her over. It would be very ironic if after all the jokes about crew in collars if he ended up in one under the foot of Soon. He could not help but smile as he made his way out of the junk yard.

Once outside, Alastair took direction from his crew in order to find Jack. He felt it was in his best interest to find and meet this person sooner than later.
Hoversled 42

Phoenix couldn't help but find himself swallowed up by Susan's infectious energy. He didn't know her at all but he decided almost immediately that he wanted to get to know her better. "That's a relief It would suck to be bright or dark all the time. " He rubbed his fingers holding them out to the heater, enjoying the subtle difference in heat from the front to the back of his fingers.

"Your boss has a ship?" His whole face lit up. He twisted in his seat to face Susan. "That sounds perfect. Could you perhaps introduce her to me? I have a lot of experience working on ships what does she fly?" His mismatched eyes danced meeting Susan's again. They were sitting terribly close. Alarmingly so. When he realized this he held his breath and stopped talking until he drew backward ever so slightly.

"I'm not sure anyone would want to turn me into fish food, but it's worth avoiding the situation if you think working for your boss would help. " He chimed " They sound like a real stand-up person. The last people I worked for were a bit... I decided they weren't worth my time anymore. I'm sure you can understand what I mean. You're already being so helpful by telling me who I should avoid working for and where I should avoid living long term." A small laugh twittered up nervously as he checked over his shoulder releived that they had left the space port and it was now completely out of sight. There was no risk of being spotted now. "So your Boss has nice Gams?" He asked wistfully wondering about how good their legs must be to warrant commenting on them as a benefit of the job.

Hoversled 34

The doctor was in the middle of drinking the peculiar tea when her captain declared it wasn't for him. Rei half laughed half-swallowed hot liquid shooting up into her sinuses. She had to lift a hand to cover her mouth and avoid coughing too dramatically at the cheeky comment. She choked coughing out the inhaled liquid all while trying to avoid looking amused. "Sorry Captain, I just-" She swallowed and wiped her lips. "I wasn't expecting that charming review."

"I find most are unable to resist the allure of greasy meat on a bun slathered with condiments and cheese. To the detriment of our poor arteries...." She smiled a dangerous spark in the doctor's eyes. Her critical view of popular Nepleslian foods was not something she wished to share with these strangers who were so eager to embrace their foreign culture. "I could definitely try this tea again, Though perhaps it could use some further experimentation" She gave a complimentary nod to the mug in her hand and took another sip of the fused blend of tea that should be familiar to her because she had spent some of her life in the United Outer Colonies. Her constant moving had exposed her to all sorts of mixtures of meals and drinks. She was eager to learn more about the Kuvexians now that the war was over.

Doctor Witman let her focus drift to the street below them watching the domed buildings and the people pass them by. There was a surprisingly sparse selection of strangers to people watch.
Hoversled 34, approaching the "Nice Part" of town

The man took another sip of the bastardized hybrid tea, making another face to go with it. "Kuvexian space, the former Kingdom, that is to say, everything between You and Us, was the rimward frontier. Our Alliance's interests do not look outward this far. Your Kikyō sector is very dense and fertile for a sector in a rimward spiral arm, but still not as full of worlds closer to the core, on the other side of the Kingdom." The Elefirn-in-charge watched him as he explained, all three eyes of the faun-like alien trained on him, but she did not contribute. He continued, "And remember, the Kuvexians were never a united front, but hundreds, or thousands, of independent entities lashed together with legal contracts. What one wants isn't necessarily what the others want. But what they all wanted was to make money off of you. And if they couldn't do that with conquest and colonization, then," He gestures at the white domes of the trading cartels' offices as they pass by, "They'll use other means."

Not long after, their tour, more an honest look at Sood Zadra than the Yamataians got, but still manicured, began to draw to a close as the great dome of the Laughing Nonapus came into view at a T-intersection at the end of the street-vendor-choked avenue.

Alastair's Comms – Officer Channel

"Belmont-Shōsa," Sayako's voice was relayed to him though Yamataian wireless telepathy, "You are going to be due for your report soon. You are already twelve minutes and fourteen seconds past your return time."

Near a Junkyard

Once the transaction has been completed, both twins nod to Kotema, bowing their heads in unison.

"Honored Silanbar,"
"...we have been summoned."
"Please ensure all arrangements for the Captain's ship,"
"...are settled to the Baroness's satisfaction."

There was already a sled waiting for them outside, smaller, faster, and more agile than the leisure transports or ramshackle taxis, demonstrated as they sped away, weaving through the crowd by the skill of a particularly gaunt, bug-eyed, narrow-beaked L'kor.

At the Center of it All

"Phah, so serious, not fun at all," Soon spoke to Wa-Wan while trying to catch her breath after her second, possibly third double of Dusk. She patted Remy on the shoulder, leaving her slender, blue hand gently in place. "Well, Miz Belmont's job here is done so I was thinking of going on a little tour of our own. I have them getting my yacht prepared as we speak. I was thinking that perhaps you~"

Soon was interrupted by a wireless comm call, and her eye twitched, jaw set in irritation as she mentally replied.

"Unfortunately, it seems I have more guests to welcome. I assume there won't be any Belmont siblings in a delegation from Nepleslia?"
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Remy finished her drink as Soon's hand rested on the padded shoulder of her winter coat, letting a satisfied, drawn-out breath leave her lips as the beverage settled in her stomach.

"Not expected, but you never know... our father is an ID-SOL after all," the green woman replied with maybe a little more sass than she normally would, thanks to all those drinks, patting Soon's delicate hand with her own gloved mitten before standing up. A little taller than the Kuvexian hybrid as Remy smoothed out her skirt and hoisted up her bag.

"Well, her magnificence knows where to find me if she needs my services... I look forward to another pleasant exchange in the future," the lightly buzzed Belmont offered with a friendly wink before turning to strut off towards one of the nearby booths, one hand in her pocket, green hair shimmering under the warm indoor lighting. Remy got comfy while she waited for Morgan's arrival, making sure to keep an eye on everything going on as a remote connection was established with her hibernating ship's systems, eyes glowing a brighter and more synthetic shade of green as she did so.
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Alastair rolled his eyes when he seen he had a message from Sayako. While he was a stickler for being on time, sometimes he felt like she was watching over him a little too close. Though she did seem to take it personal about his well being so wasn't all bad. "Yes dear, I am on my way back as we speak."
"I'm sorry, Belmont-Shōsa, I didn't get the first part of that, must have been some interference, but acknowledged Captain en route return to Kōun."
Alien Quarter

Kotema was stuck in a brooding, bristly sort of mood, still thinking about the fact that Lenna called her a baby. She was 20. She was 26 years old. She was not one.

At least the silver haired space-cat-man-thing seemed to be getting out from under her feet, enabling the dragon to properly advise her captain about how things worked around here. She was super enthusiastic about helping the twins, and was a bit sour they were gone, but knowing Soon trusted them with getting things back on track, that was nice, too...

"Captain brown hair human! You lucky! Kotema is helping you with this!!!" Her attitude turned on a dime, wide red eyes almost gleaming, snuffling lips and nose pursing up in a way that looked a bit like a smile. The dragon lowered her head to look non-threatening, though her body language was so cumbersome it could almost be considered patronising. "You having several person crew yes-yes? It is good, because for you can tell 'delegate' these people! Not all be doing one thing at once!- This three-eye, he is given Soon money, so him can be serve too, yes-yes? You lucky!"

The Graxlat started sweating. The situation was confusing before, but somehow, this was way scarier.

"White long ears and Graxlat get you truck, go get engine parts." A quick look around. She was confirming the yard had a second salvage loader. "Kotema get second truck, put turr-tets on truck. I am seeing those turr-tets, I know they look..."

"This good for Captain brown hair human?" The long neck arced back around to Lenna, triangular muzzle nodding up and down as if this was some psychological trick to make her agree. "This is easy for do both, yes?"

Without waiting around, and now thoroughly just wanting to get this situation over with, the alien salvage boss went back behind the counter and got a pair of key cards, handing one to the trash dragon. He then went through the back door to one of the large eight-wheeled power loaders, hopping into the front driver-pod to start it up, and then waving Nikicon to come with them.

Cruisin with Susan

"Oh yeah, the best." The rabbit answered the question about her bosses' legs first, clearly the most important priority. Her mittened hands held themselves out, making an imaginary O shape with a larger diameter than Phoenix's head. "Like this! Lethal, they are!"

There was a pause, as Susan just sat and smiled, thinking about it. The dark blue rectangles on their cheeks did not entirely cover up the sudden flush of reddish pink.

"This ship is, you know, a space thing!" Was the next subject addressed, far less helpfully. They made another shadow puppet with their hands. It was... boxy?... Maybe something Nepleslian? "It's clean inside! I clean it!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll introduce ya, because ya cute." This third shape they actually had at hand to demonstrate, so they kind of just mapped his invisible aura in the frigid air around Phoenix. "Know what you mean about those kinda peeps too, yeah... S'why I picked you out from the crowd honestly. That kinda situation sucks."

Her head arced out into the street- as if deflecting some emotion, some memory- and then ratcheting back into his personal space in record time.

"Hah. Yeah. Don't worry about it. That's the good thing about bad places like this." She pressed against him a bit more vigorously now, something hard and tubular making itself know against his thigh.

A gun. There was a huge pistol with a silencer down the front of the rabbit's pants.

"Ain't no rules, except 'don't annoy the big boss of the place.' Anything else goes!~~~"

Eyes narrowed into blades, that squirrelly, buck toothed smile was in full force.

They pulled into the entry ramp of some environmentally sealed section soon after. The grav-car broke through a gust of warm air, before immediately finding itself in front a rather up-market, fancy looking bar. The holographic sign labelled it 'The Laughing Nonapus'.

<"Hey, can you come let us in hun?"> Susan fetched their communicator whilst clambering out, messaging Remy directly. <"I'm on the doorstep. Got a new deck hand for you. I think he's a techie...">
Zeck was with Kotema but the red skinned alien had gotten distracted by the strange alien world and a little lost but the dragon creature thing was easy to find in the sea of other aliens. She eventually moved beside the dragon and watched the situation unfold.
Lenna was heading back toward the twins but as they said they were needed elsewhere Lenna nodded and then turned to look at Kotema as she suddenly took charge and then started to make orders. Lenna was getting really upset about the pet names as she told the silly silanbar once their names, maybe she'll need to make nametags. Pinching the bridge of her nose and says " Kotema, please use OUR names not what we look like. " then as she orders around the junk dealer herself and Nikicon she nods some and then says " Welp better get this over with then. I hope that you know what turrets are going onto the Sobek and what they will need from the ship." she moves over to help with the turrets as with saying to the others " well don't just stand there, let's get these turrets loaded up, Nikicon You go and search for the needed parts for the power supply."

Nikicon was watching the exchange between everyone and then looks at the junk dealer as he moved around to grab the keycards, handed one to Kotema, and then move outside. Nikicon moves over toward the large power loader and hops up inside as she nods " ok let us go!" she smiles looking around wondering what ship they will be stopping at first and what they will be able to find!
Hoversled 34, Approaching the Laughing Nonapus

Jack nodded as he processed this information. It was quite interesting and he knew Admiralty and the IPG would be most interested in this information. He wished they had sent a IPG agent with him. As soon as the thought crossed his mind he glanced over at Caffran and winced. Sargent Caffran was an IPG agent, sort of. He had been recruited by them for some kind of mission before this and he had passed all their background checks and training with flying colors. Although Caffran really didn't care about being an IPG agent. Oh sure it was nice to get access to restricted intel and it certainly had it's perks but in reality Caffran didn't care if he was an agent or not. He was a stealther and close quarters combat specialist.

As the hover sled came within view of their destination, Jack thanked the man for taking the time to talk with him. "Perhaps if duty allows you might join me aboard my ship. I would be quite interested in hearing more about your great alliance as well as your thoughts on the current situation." Jack glanced down as his cup. "I hope I could also provided you with a beverage that was more to your liking."

The Hover sled stopped in front of the Laughing Nonapus. Instantly the two PA suits that had been following the sled took up positions on either side of it and the Marines inside the sled dismounted first to also take up covering positions. Jack stepped down then turned to offer his hand to Dr. Whitman. "Doctor I am glad that you seem to be enjoying things so far." He said as he helped her down off the sled. Jack had a quick word with Ensign Doyle and Caffran after they had disembarked. Caffran quickly made some hand motions to the honor guard and they formed around Jack and his party.

Even though Jack was not expecting any trouble, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. It would also show that Nepleslia was strong and alert, not someone who would be intimidated or taken advantage of. Jack had been told about the Laughing Nonapus on his way over, how the Baroness used the bottom most level as a sort of office/meeting room. He had also been advised that it was not the largest of rooms and that his whole party wouldn't be able to fit in it. That was fine with him. He and Caffran had already worked out a plan. He would take his two officers and Caffran down to meet the Baroness. The Marines would be stationed in pairs on every other floor. Ready to clear an exit route if need be.

Jack quickly straightened his uniform and adjusted his saber strap so that it hung out of the way. He removed his hat and ran a hand through his long blond hair that was tied with a black silk ribbon in the back. As he put his hat back on he seemed to grow in size and authority. He looked at his host and said, "I am ready to meet the Baroness."
Laughing Nonapus
<Give me a moment to come up, security will still want to search you but I think I'm starting to get on the owner's good side.> Remy transmitted back, popping up from her seat to sashay back up to the entrance, bag in hand as Remy's attractive legs smoothly swept past each-other with each step. Whoever this stray Morgan had picked up would face a few questions once they got settled, and maybe a background search just to be safe.

The greenette shivered a little as the cold air hit her warm skin, eyes taking a second to adjust from the bar's warm interior lighting, and taking a second to realize she was a few meters from those Nepleslians that dear Morgan had mentioned.

"Greetings," Remy offered as she side-eyed the group, her tone as perfectly professional as you'd expect from a legitimate businesswoman such as herself... even if Remy was still in the process of renovating that warehouse she'd acquired. Her sunkissed features curled into a welcoming little smile, eyes maintaining that artificial green shimmer as her distant ship powered up just enough to run one of its jury-rigged fabricators.

"So many uniforms today, you'd think there was some massive political summit running here," she commented curtly before looking around for the rabbit and her new friend, some snowfall beginning to gather on the shoulders of her black coat. Spying them down the street she offered a little wave, beckoning the two towards the warmth of the bar.
Laughing Nonapus

Waa-wan got a sinking suspicion that the Baroness really wasn't interested in employing her and was just being typical Kuvexian in their "hospitality". A particular trap of debt she very much wanted to avoid. She should have stayed with the Ehlen outfit she was working with previously around what she suspects was Hanako's Star. The massive amount of Chatau Hanako that they were fond of helped with that idea.

Finishing the last of her beverage as it would be rude not to finish it, she spun around in her seat and started formulating her escape plan. The Baroness was a no go and she didn't want to get involved with more piracy now that she knew she was back in her neck of the galaxy again. The only option that really seemed to available to her was that creepy Yamataian Captain. She was about to get up when she saw the Nepleslians entering the room.

Perhaps fortunes were shifting a bit for the lost Ranger.
Three Eyes and Rabbit Truck

The Graxlat seemed dubious about this rabbit creature, but also eager to just get this job over with, and get paid. They cranked the rather primitive land-cab into a state where the electric motor whined to life, and then sped off once Nikicon had closed the door. Despite the fact the control cab was almost all glass and roll bars, the thing apparently had a very heavy centre of gravity in the flat metal bed below them, ensuring a surprisingly smooth ride and it grinded out onto the permafrost and gravel.

Winding through the husks of old hover-cabs, shuttles and the odd mecha limb, they came to an old Kuvexian troop transport that had seen better days. It's general croissant shape was still intact, but the engine units had all sorts of exposed wires, and the golden sheen of the hull was marred in a hundred places by patchwork repairs of welded steel plate.

Extending the crane arm on the back of the cab, the Graxlat dealer hopped right out of the back door, using integrated ladder wrungs to climb right up onto the top of the ship.

"This thing look like it's been salvage twice. The Rix had it last, but somebody before then put Meson parts in it, I think? Come have a look what you want." He spoke down from the frosty perch. "You a short thing, but... Not get covered in poop, maybe get what you want from the outside, huh?"

Captain and Dragon Truck

"...Kotema speak better Trade than Captain Lenna speak Silanbar." The large lizard got a little defensive, though their voice sounded more tired than confrontational. Their webbed hands clutched unconsciously at the circular chrome implant just above their collarbone- A modification to their voice box, which was the only reason they could speak with humanoid-style words at all.

They just barely fit into the glass pod of the second truck, causing the suspension to wheeze and shudder as they dumped their horde of tools and weapons into the flatbed, and then moved across to the driver's side of the control couch. It was like watching a large, very annoyed dog trying to curl up into a bed half the size of it, and ended in a situation where Lenna could choose to either sit on their frilly, mermaid-like tail, or down in the footwell with all of the discarded bottles and candy wrappers.

A knowing look passed their slit-irised, greyish eyes. They were cottoning on to the fact this, too, would probably annoy the human.

"I bought shock collars for prisoners. There is program for make train for nice servant." A bit of a scowl, and tensing of their neck and tail. "If captain is annoy, then proto-col is use it... But shoot Kotems again, and Kotems will bite Lenna as well. A captain that is no stronger than crew, that no captain."

It made sense to them. A good leader took control and dished out a bonk or two. A bad leader was just asking to get bonked themselves.

Despite the tension, the dragon put the truck into gear once the human was inside, and began to move off. The ship with the alien laser turrets was apparently the big purple one, vaguely conical and studded all over with random small antennas, sensor arrays and micro-guns. If a human owned the scrap yard, they probably would have called it 'that big raddish'.

Squid Bar

Upon spotting Remy waving at them, Morgan physically picked Phoenix up and carried them out of the cab, precariously through the snow towards her green-haired boss. The rabbit just didn't have the presence of mind to consider whole situation with the Nepleslians spotting them at the space port, and was swept up in the day dream version of their reality- The loyal and plucky spy-maid bunny, back from an adventure with a new recruit for the hyperviolent slapstick anime crimefest that was their life.

"Broccoli babba!~" Their voice became more nasally in pitch as their scratchy cleats rapidly approached, long ears flapping through the cold breeze. Bucked teeth fully bared, and eyes narrowed to slats, they then hopped up and down in circles to give both companions and adequate view of each other.

Remy was taller, much classier, and brimming with muscle that somehow didn't diminish her amazing pear-shaped figure; Sus-organ was very proud of this, and unconsciously started acting more effete and less gruff in their presence, as if the all should consider themselves dainty in the broccoli bosses' presence...

"This is my boss-boss!" Hugging one hand around the feyish technician's shoulder, they planted his feet back on the floor effortlessly, and then started rubbing his shoulders up and down with an overly touchy hug. "This is Phoenix! He'll come and fix the space RV for us! I didn't even have ta blackmail 'em or nothin!!!~"
Zeck looked at Lenna. "If we cant find the power supply couldn't we just rig up something from the ship?" The red skinned alien asked the woman. She was looked at the ship based weapon now with rapt interest her mind figuring all the ways to make it work. She had ideas but would need to need to see the ship first and the turret in more detail. Zeck was to focused on the turret to notice the other load into the transport until it was almost to late and she climbed into the bed of the truck. "So we go look go for power supply yes?" She asked Kotema and Lenna.
YSS Koun

Alastair boarded the ship and went right to the captains quarters. He knew once onboard that Sayako would more than likely seek him out. More than likely to remind him how he was late and blah blah blah. It was not her place to know all the little details of what took place and the reason for him being late. He took a moment to get settled and then started to write up the demands of Soon. It was a long list of fairly high demands but he was hopeful. With the Conference coming up soon, he'd be able to invite and pitch her wants to the bodies at be. Since Yam failed to keep them out of their backyard, they would have to live with this and accept the outcome of it. He could not help but smile knowing the new power structure with would bring about.

Three Eyes and White long ears Truck

Nikicon nods as she moves over to where the Graxlat moved and climbed into the cab with him sitting down as she felt him start to pull away and sped away as she clung on for dear life. the truck was not as bumpy as she thought as they moved among the vehicles Nikicon looked at each one as she smiled some enjoying what she was seeing and you know she was thinking about what she could do with each random vehicle.

As they slowed to a stop and the Graxlat moved out the back she followed and climbed up onto the troop transport craft and nods some. " um it matters not what I get on me, I don't see what I am looking for here, but yes this is Meson from what little I can see. " Nikicon moves quickly to an access hatch or a cut-out spot in the hull and slips inside. " ah yes yes this has what is needed I can see it here, I just need tools to take it apart.. wait, nevermind I have my mini toolbag with me. " A few moments later there are a few thuds and bangs than a meep as there is an angry hiss sound and a quick bang and the hiss stops. Nikicons head pops out of the opening as she gags some and then takes in a few deep breaths of fresh air. " er whoops " she sheepishly smiles to the Graxlat before handing him some parts that she removed. Then moves back into the ship as she goes deeper into the engine and reactor looking for parts that were leaking on the Sobek. Finding the needed parts and removes and stacks them up as she works. At least three hours pass as Nikicon removes parts and then hands them out the opening to be placed on the truck.

Captain brown hair human and Dragon Truck

Lenna would nod and then says with a small laugh " Yea I don't know any Silanbar, so you got me there " Lenna does look at the odd box that they were clutching on them and tilts her head a little. Standing back as Kotema dumps the tools and stuff on the flatbed and then starts to squirm into the truck pod, she does have to stop herself from laughing at the antics and then moves to get in finding a place to sit on that mermaid-like tail. If it bothered her it did not show as they started to move.

Hearing the other voice Lenna looks back at the red-skinned woman and then nods some "I think we will have the power in Sobek, it is just is it the right voltage, amperage for the turrets that we are going to get. So right now we are going to gather up 16 small turrets for use as point defense.

As they pulled up to the oddly shaped craft Lenna looks at the turrets and nods some "Yea I think these will do, they will do just fine!" Lenna nods as if that would help drive home that she knows what she is doing. She moves to slide off that tail and out the door as she moves to look at the turrets and see the best way to remove them. Lenna pauses and looks over at the red-skinned woman and asks " you seem to know a thing or three about this sort of stuff, tell me what you need to remove them and I'll grab it."
Laughing Nonapus
"How have you survived this long? They've got you smitten!" The question was on his lips immediately. The flush on Susan's face was unmistakable. He was getting himself second-hand flustered.

"Nepleslian, that's good news! I can handle them, boxy babies, well. I'm excited to meet them too! Does it have a name?"
It was the phoenix's turn to turn crimson. It seems that the pair were a couple of blushing fools.

Phoenix chewed the inside of his cheek, pausing to think. "I'm sorry to hear that... that you're familiar with that situation to spot it at a glance. It's not pleasant."

His younger self would be nervous knowing his new friend was concealing a gun, but he had a few guns of his own stowed away in his duffel bag. "I'm not exactly a, 'no rules' sort of guy. I'm used to knowing what's expected of me. I doubt I'll ever meet or cross whoever the big boss at least, I'm not important enough for all that." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at the domed building that the hover sled had come to a stop in front of.

All of the air in Phonix's lungs wheezed out as Susan swept him quite literally off his feet. His arms flailed out wide to keep his balance, completely caught off guard by the gesture. He wasn't in the habit of being carried around. His slim arms wrapped around them to keep himself from slipping onto his ass as they both hopped enthusiastically around a green-haired woman he had to admit was intimidatingly tall and strong, Susan hadn't been lying. They were indeed, good legs.

Phoenix was keen enough to pick up the change in the manner that Susan moved around this imposing woman, He could understand why. She seemed to inspire a wish to impress her.

He was glad to be back on his own feet. He felt like a bottle of soda that someone's vigorously shaken up. He preferred his feet planted solidly on the ground.

"Do you normally have to blackmail your engineers and mechanics?" He laughed nervously knowing full well that he had a solid reason to be receptive to blackmail if they decided that they weren't in the mood to pay him.

"As Susan said, I'm Phoenix Reeves and I just landed in town... looking for new employment and adventure even?" He smiled extending a hand to shake Susan's boss' hand.

"I'm really excited to prove my mettle. "
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