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Artwork & Creativity

Express yourself with words and images. Show off your art, music, photos, and writing.
Was just considering if Garnett Karuna and Kanz evolve later on into their careers, and this ship was the result. It's through the Custom Ship creator for Galatic Civ III, and provides a good basis from anything from fightercraft to capital ships (the design here is for a corvette/frigate if I'm remembering my ship classes correctly.)
So I have this friend, EtchESketch. And thanks to a series of events, they've started doing some art for Star Army at my behest. They also talk commissions, so that's a thing Tumblr Page And here's the information on their commissions. When they've got the images done of Porrim, Ny'za, and Menelik finished, I'll post them here. Captain Porrim: Ny'za: Menelik:
Welcome! :D I figured I might as well make a thread since I do quite a bit of 3D Modeling, some of it can be found on my deviant arts page, but most of it you won't find. The reason being is because a large portion of my work is unfinished. Either I lost the motivation (which happens quite often thanks to an ungreatful friend of mine, who enjoys taunting about him being better... (strangles friend) :evil: ) or I can't figure out how to improve the model. I have here listed a few of the completed models, and some that are completed. Now, if at some point in the future can these models be used on this site? Well, that's completely up to the GMs and admin, they are not very textured and most have matte-black hull styles. The reason...
I must've lurked here something fierce over the last year or two. Work and study keep me from making any meaningful contribution here thus far, so until such time I can join the fray proper, I'll stick a few things here, mostly things worked on and off as time permits. Things mostly related to the histories of potential characters, as the thread name may imply. Might as well start off with my current (as seen on the 28th of September, 2015) profile picture. It's an old, now seemingly little used freighter within the forums. One of the old DOGA (I think) ships that lingers largely forgotten within the wiki. It seems simple, but I rather like the design for some reason. Written up paragraphs about the (maybe) features and failings of a...
Good day all. A few of our members have begun to use this fine program, and while there are quite a few tutorials out there I find myself asked questions that these tutorials do not answer. Thus, I'd like to know from our members what they'd like to see in a tutorial, the kind of questions to be answered or even what they want to be shown - methods, ways around problems, that kind of stuff. At present, I plan on doing a basic tutorial just to explain the interface and key bindings along with recommended options. I won't do a tutorial on the cycles engine, because I've found that one of Blenders more famous users (Andrew Price) has done a traffic job explaining it so I will be linking to that in my own. Other than that, I will be doing...
Before SARP, most of the writing I did was of the free verse poetry area and I figured why not share a piece or two with the community I spent a considerable amount of time with. I hope you'll find it enjoyable, and if not, no love lost. =========== I walk with you in this garden of dreams, a secret place where your soul finds mine in perfect union. This majestic refuge far from judgement, removed from our own doubts, untainted by the denizens of the cold unforgiving world we have escaped from. I give way to you, relinquishing my hold on such silly notions of fear. I breathe you in, the freedom I seek granted by the sight, the smell, the feel of you near me. So close I can taste your exquisite form on my tongue. A taste of sun...
Hi guys, This is Dak, aka Richard. I am working on building an app to render a photo into an artistically styled portrait. Basically you take a photo of a person, it uploads to our central server and then shoots back the finished image to you. I am asking here because I believe this community would actually have a use for my work and this project is important to me - I'd like to share it with you all. Example: Would any of you use this? If so, what for? Would you use it for forums? Avatars? Would you set it as your social media representative? What would you want to customize? Clothing? Colors? Would you want to make portraits of yourselves in your favorite manga artists style? Right now we are developing this...
So, some of you guys I have told about this incessantly and others just a little and a lot of you I have not shared this with yet. I have been meaning to post about this for a while so here I am at the last moment! For the past 8 months I've been helping my buddy work on a documentary about Carrier Air Group 11 in WW2. This group, comprising of Torpedo squadron 11, Bombing squafron 11 and the Sundowners, Fighting squadron 11 operated from Guadalcanal and them off of the USS Hornet CV-12 from 1942 through 1945 and took part in some of the most important engagements of the pacific campeign. Since March enwe were able to locate and interview eleven veteran's from CVG-11 and record their stories for the film. These guys are true heroes...
For those not in the know: http://roosterteeth.com/news/entry.php?id=5448468 I think this is something we'd all do anyway. We're here, constantly creating characters, technology, settings -- entire universes, large and small, with words and images. What's everyone done recently that they value as creative? I know for me, I haven't decided yet. I want to do something more than just posting, even though that takes some creativity!
So I decided to start writing again, and decided to give an old Fantasy Theme a try... I have the introduction written out and I was wanting to see if anyone would actually be interested in the story itself by the introduction I have written. If so I might update this post with updates on the story, dependent on the want for it. Or just start over, or write more, or something to get more interest in it. So without further adieu this is the introduction: Many tales have been told of heroes and villains fighting against each other. Where the good would triumph over the wicked and bring love or peace, or both to the world they longed to protect. Many a time would a child lay upon their bed and listen to their parents tell them fables of...
If you've seen a good commissions deal, or have an artist to recommend (including yourself) please post some information and a link in this thread. For starters, we have the List of Recommended Artists Here's an example of what types of stuff to post: - - - I found a skilled artist today with low prices: $10-$15 color for a character artwork: http://rosketch.deviantart.com/art/Rosk ... -363449502 Edit: Found another: $12 Full body http://szaris.deviantart.com/art/Commis ... -363133722 Edit2: $5 Chibis http://miacis83.deviantart.com/journal/ ... -333274242
Opening a thread like this so that I can offer the stuff I've been up to without stringently classifying it under a specific topic. * * * For starters, some of you might remember the series of confusing scribbles I did awhile ago. Well, I kind of worked on that since. http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll27 ... a_03_a.jpg http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll27 ... a_03_b.jpg http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll27 ... a_03_c.jpg http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll27 ... a_03_d.jpg Disclaimer: definitely still a work in progress. Proportions, angles, curves are all subject to change. I'm more in the shape-creation stage.
I've just received the finished Star Army patches! The 3 inch diameter iron-on patches feature my classic Star Army Hinomaru design. This special edition variant has the Mindy power armor in chrome gold! I got 100 patches to share with SARP! Close-up view: Here's a comparison with the original ones I made back in 2007. The new ones are definitely higher quality. The full set of Star Army patches made thus far:
Seems like I cant keep away from wanting to create stuff. So lets just give you guys a quick peek inside my oven. Some rough dimensions and info: The ship is roughly 45~50 meters in length and designed to kill the role of an armored transporter. She has 4 main engines in her center fuselage, 2 high powered thrusters in the front and a set of dual engines. In terms of weapons, 8x Dual defensive turrets, 2x dual Gimbaled turrets, 18x small ship to ship missiles and 4 heavy missiles. Oh, and a little boarding hatch on the bottom.
I recently found this guy named Pascal Eggert that creates artwork of futuristic style weapons and vehicles. The art is highly detailed and is 3d rendered. He is the director of visual design for Crytek so I don't know how practical it would be to get art from him even if he would be willing to do it. Below is a picture of his I pulled off the internet as an example.
Writing is something I do for fun, usually in the form of poetry or fictional short stories. I figured people might enjoy reading some of the stuff I have written and this seems like a good place to share it. I'll add more here as I think of it! Current Project: None in particular/waiting for inspiration Links to creative works in this thread: Such a Needless Thing (Short-story based around Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Interesting and cool, how Science and SciFi can coincide. A while back YE 34 I created the Star Song for the HSC, today I received a link that said that NASA has discovered music from stars and planets... http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/video-sounds-of-the-cosmos-the-music-of-planets-and-stars/
Overview The Space Images thread is for collecting photographs and images of space that we can use in our artworks or for inspiration for Star Army. Starfields, nebulas, and planets are welcome in this thread! Thread Rules Copyrights: Please make sure the source is credited when you post an artwork or photograph. If you know the usage rights of the work (copyrighted, Creative Commons, public domain, etc) please put that too. No Hotlinking: Please do not hotlink, unless it's from an approved image host. Approved image hosts: DeviantArt Imgur Please don't use Photobucket or Imageshack. Index of Space Image Sites Public Domain Hubble Site Gallery Creative Commons (suggest sites!) Copyrighted (don't use without permission!)...
I've been looking at and pricing various stock photo sites lately and I am wondering it would be useful for us to get a month-long membership to a stock site and grab all the relevant images we can reasonably use in SARP articles. So, I invite you to post what kind of stock photos you could use. Here's some ideas I came up with: People - usable as NPCs and as pose references and models for our art Clothing items - usable for SARPiverse stores Found some good images I can tweak into SAOY exercise unifroms Food - as above, but for restaurants - sushi would be a good example. Nature scenes - planets, RP locations There's some cool backgrounds that would be useful for art If you have something in mind you'd want me to get for SARP...
I know I haven't been here for three months, thus I am supposed to be unable to contribute new races or stuff like that to the site yet. This first image is drawn in anticipation for the time when I will be allowed, further down the line (assuming I am still around :) ). Until then, I'm just going to continue drawing more images and fleshing out the civilizations background and other important details so that it might eventually be found acceptable when I present it for the approval / refusal process. I've got to have something to do between posts ;) . This ones an example of a Vasurah officer, tentatively named Aria. Haven't decided entirely on the specifics of the races physiology yet; I'm mainly thinking along a mixture of...
Humorously, I make a lot of SARP art using the ancient graphics software Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 from 2001. Of course, I don't have it installed at work and I needed something to make art with. Yesterday, thanks to a friend on DeviantArt, I discovered a new, free painting program called FireAlpaca. I just downloaded it and tried it out. I really like it. It's got a somewhat modern looking tool set that vaguely reminds me of Photoshop, stuff is fairly intuitive, certainly less obtuse of a UI than GIMP. I'm not sure if it supports layers or the clone brush yet since I am only starting out with it, but for your basic 2D painting, it's quite nice. I would definitely recommend this as a free alternative to (but not replacement for) Paint Tool...
Here's a neat chibi maker! (alt link) This could be a useful tool for whipping up quick NPCs or making a chibi for your character that doesn't have a hand-drawn custom chibi yet. Here's my attempt to come up with one that looks like the SAOY uniform: Show me what you can come up with!
Hey guys, I just got photoshop because it is supposed to be better than what I normally use (Paint Shop Pro). I don't know if I'm just an angry old man who doesn't like learning new things or what, but I decided to try some SARP stuff when messing around with it. I hope no one minds that I used art on here for it as I am not trying to take credit or steal work (Disclaimer, the backgrounds were pulled from the interwebs, they are not mine). Anyways, here they are and I hope you enjoy. The first is how I pictured a capital ship would be seen cloaked because the way it was described to me was like predator. The second is titled Sakishima Rising, her depature from Leo Star Fortress after her repairs are complete...
I found this on DeviantArt, which you can use to make into your own chibis as long as you credit the original artist. So for anyone with a little graphics skill who wants to give it a try but has trouble with the face, this might be useful for you. Here's another base that's more anime style. It might be useful for making diagrams of faction uniforms or fashions.
I got an RPG maker and decided to create something SARP related. This first one is more of a demo of sorts. It's a short cinematic style game with a few battles. It's a very short game, maybe about 5 min long. The game takes place during Vol1's final mission and Epilogue. Luca goes solo against an NMX Cruiser and tears his way through the ship. GoogleDrive link https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxBzdbh ... sp=sharing My next project is also Luca based that takes place while he was in a coma in his dreams. Might also make one on the side based on other plots if given permission to do so.
You guys have seen and used a few of the things I've already dumped in the public use folder but I figured it'd be a good idea to 'alert' you to the newer stuff I'm working on, such as this gem thats free to use as a general reference image for Jovian gas giants, anywho I'll post them as I make them!
Or, the "I like to experiment with art but lack characters to do so on because my creativity is fried by the fact that I'm paid to draw genitalia all day, so give me some guinea pigs" thread. So, yes, I like to draw. Drawing is cool. Unfortunately I don't have that much time to do it for myself anymore because I'm doing it for other people. Usually for money. (My website is laughably blank right now because I'm trying to find time to build up a portfolio of awesome. Right now my life is full of sticky goopy art, and while I'm grateful to have it pay for my food, I'd like to be paid on the regular for less goopy art with fewer dangly bits if I can help it. Eventually. But not today. Anyway! I might be showcasing some stuff here. But...
Here we go. This is the page in the wiki that lists both the people on the site who are (more or less) available to help out with any DOGA/other 3D rendering needed, and pages which have already requested art of some sort. You can contact any of the artists on the list specifically to inquire about getting something done for your submission, or you can add it to the list at the bottom of the page and wait and see if anyone volunteers. If you are a DOGA/3d modeling handy person, and are willing to help people out, feel free to add yourself to the list of artists. Edit: This is intended to be stickied in here, not actually up for approval.
I know I've been away / hard to communicate with. That's because it's been 7DRL week! SkullDorado! [Download] While research­ing jun­gle ruins you’ve come across men­tion of a glo­ri­ous empire, the capi­tol of which was a mas­sive city of gold. And the only clues to this wondrous place is inscribed into idols shaped as skulls of solid gold, left littered around the ancient temples con­structed by this empire. Mak­ing camp, you set off to dis­cover and bring back these golden idols hop­ing that each one will bring you closer to find­ing the fabled city and wealth unimaginable. It's an Android game and it should work on just about any device, minimum version is 2.3.3. Con­trols are sim­ple, just swipe a direc­tion to move. Tap to...
These are the results of the 6ARP ship testing I did to see how well SARP's ships did in the game's rules. Keep in mind the game relies heavily on the SD damage system we have on the site, and so any numbers are numbers that were provided to me by the creators of the ships. The Battles were 5 matches, with the victor claiming the winner. I did it tournament style to see who won. Ergo if one ship beat another, the third ship still had to fight the other one. I did not get to test every ship on SARP...so if you do not see your ship listed...it is because it has been untested. Battleships First Place = The Sharie: The Sharie won every battle against the Talchok. The Battles with the Prosecutor were closer...the Sharie won 3 out of...
Sometime ago, I was putting some rather deep contemplation on overhauling the Miharu. When I went on hiatus from SARP, that's not something I stopped doing, though the impetus for it was lesser. Basically, I did not want my work to go to waste, but there was less drive to get it done. In a way, I'm much better at thinking this stuff up than actually making it, I guess! Well, I had a bit of a breakthrough with my modelling software more recently, and things finally came out the way I wanted. At first, I made sketches on paper and I was trying to draw out precise bezier curves in my 3d software so I could adhere to 'my plans' and try to have things as good as I wished them... but that never quite panned out: the transition from 2d to 3d...
After long procrastinating and putting off and much tom-foolery we finally have the Villainous Muse art thread, advertising full time on these very boards my work and my rates! Rates are cheap, cheap, cheap everyone! :D (^^^^^ Clicky) Shining examples of happy customers right here on SARP... Disclaimer: I am very fluid in my creative process and if you pay after green lighting the project after seeing the composite sketch to move forward I have no issues with making superficial changes that won't require me to start over. Please pay very close attention to details as the picture progresses (You can watch it be created in Livestream, channel info below) because I will not start over from scratch if suddenly you felt a freckle on...
Hey guys, I've been doing commissions for quite a while and I figured I might make a thread here to see if anyone is interested. This Journal over here explains how I work, but feel free to ask anything that's missing out. Also, here are some commissions I've done for some SARPfolk http://dehzinn.deviantart.com/art/COMMI ... 1943&qo=15 http://dehzinn.deviantart.com/art/COMMI ... hzinn&qo=2 http://dehzinn.deviantart.com/#/d5nkuwd How do I thumbnail those links?
It's been a while since I've posted my artwork and such but I did finish an X-23 cosplay recently. =) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/ ... /image.jpg -> The claws unmounted http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/ ... mage-1.jpg -> 1 Claw mounted http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/ ... 2874_n.jpg - Both claws mounted and unpainted http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/ ... -00005.jpg - The outfit assembled. I made the claws from a sheet of plastic from a frame that I was holding onto, some cardboard from a clif bar box, packing tape, a coat hanger and silver metallic spray paint. The outfit itself is regular clothing, I ran out of time to make anything so I hunted down appropriate articles of clothing.
I do some drawings every now and then, so I figured I'd just post them up here, so other people can look at them. I don't draw very well, but I do what I can. The Vuraken The Vuraken, a slightly modified Chain Scythe, featuring a second blade, that also acts as a hilt guard. The Hilt is wrapped in cloth, around a leather grip. The edges, as well as the center of the blade are made of Sarquahi. The chain is also made from Sarquahi. It has the Clan of Swords crest on both of the shafts, showing who created the weapon. The chain has small spiked imperfections, which are intentional, meaning people without gloves grabbing the chain would injure themselves. Each scythehead has a poison reservoir, only adding to the lethal nature of the...
I've created a non-SARP scifi serial novel with a virtual reality theme. The first 5 chapters are available now. It's called Re:life and the premise is basically this: Disease caused apocalpse. Virtual reality is disease free. Humanity now exists solely in virtual reality. Virtual reality has viruses. "Generals" fight viruses. Johnny is a General. Layla is not. Johnny loves Layla. Will their love survive a new virus threat? Check it out here: http://www.fictionpress.com/s/3073585/1/Re-life
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